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Everything posted by jurideluhi

  1. jurideluhi

    ruined my good day.
  2. jurideluhi

    as champ said,koe.
  3. jurideluhi

    i think the more you ask,the more you fail.
  4. jurideluhi

    cool news.
  5. jurideluhi

    saddens me
  6. jurideluhi

    im suggesting for the dld section to improve(?) where users would need to click the "thanks" in order to receive the link(s) from uploaders. what do you think? i think this might be the good way to improve! at least to show appreciations from leechers by replying thanks or clicking the thanks button if other forums also applying this method,why don't TW itself? ^^;; if you don't care,whatever.
  7. yep.agree with ramrod bout lots of download threads. old TW was very awesome with all the systems karma(LOL),custom icons and title(i like this very much). the new TW is a pleasantly refreshing forum to start with again. personally,as long as TW forum exist,I'm very happy with it.(tw is the most visited website for me after all).
  8. jurideluhi

    srsly i hope he recovers!!!
  9. jurideluhi

    I don't want to get near him anymore and talk to him. it feels disgusting.
  10. jurideluhi

    @xMilou so cute n.n @alisapp wow!
  11. jurideluhi

    lol @ the TITTLEZ.
  12. jurideluhi

    Thank you very much!
  13. jurideluhi

  14. jurideluhi

    ^lol. can't agree more about yumehito XD
  15. jurideluhi

    can anyone help me translate these text written on their ohp? "1st ワンマン決定 ??-COMPREX COLOR PARADOX-】 □2011/01/15(土) 池袋Black Hole ※先行発売分sold out! 一般発売????????り???? 詳細??Live Info???? "
  16. jurideluhi

    lol.the title made me laugh.can't they think of a better tittles/theme? gawd. not interested bout new release.
  17. jurideluhi

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3) Final Fantasy 7 (PS3) Persona 5
  18. O_O why major? this sucks a lot!
  19. jurideluhi

    ^its good if you don't really speak but you're good with your exams or if otherwise,that sucks even more imo.
  20. jurideluhi

    new breed-cut me loose
  21. jurideluhi

    means he's in good condition now? i wonder..
  22. jurideluhi

    i wish i wasn't born T___T stupid fucking company and parents
  23. jurideluhi

    i wish my life will be ended. i hate myself,i want to kill myself,i want to hurt myself.. and i wish being all alone for the time being.
  24. jurideluhi

    today is a bad day for me, because i feel cold all the time,headaches,cheated,and got mad. i feel like i want to die..killing myself..
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