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Posts posted by johnesh

  1. When I heard they were just doing a re-recordings album I was like "meh" but this actually sounds amazing, and unlike many "best-of" albums it actually does contain many of their very best songs! (Although, sadly, not "Windress", which for me they'll never top.) Count me in!

  2. I feel like they've reached a point where they've started to reuse choruses. I swear I've heard these songs before.


    "Reached a point"? They've really only got one song, which they have recycled over and over for every song on every one of their albums. But what a song it is!

  3. I went to the concert I think I would know if it's a real band or not. Also I shouldn't have to say this but I am friends with hiLo's mom, like I'm not just some random fan lol.


    Congratulations. No need to be snide. How am I supposed to know you went to the concert?


    Anyway, it's a shame, as they sounded really good. (Weird that the music doesn't match up with any of the visuals in the live video, though.) Still, there's nothing to preclude them working together again in future, I guess.

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