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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    Full SCREAM (PV) over here~ Only low-quality TV rip but looks/sounds nice already.
  2. Same, haha. Curious about that reworked SANE on the single too~
  3. OMG looking forward to them~ The concert was awesome, it'll make a great DVD!
  4. Jigsaw9

    New awesome/epic/partytastic MV: AAbokV76tkU
  5. Jigsaw9

    ^ Yeah, I'm really loving it so far!! Can't wait for the full version~ edit: found this on tumblr randomly: CL rapping in a commercial, sounds pretty good! 0NN5wCfkrbY
  6. Jigsaw9

    ^ Haha, not too old news, I only heard/saw that one yesterday! Dunno what to think about it yet though... Here's the CM it's being used in, if anyone wants to check it out btw: k9AzUQ_YiaY
  7. Jigsaw9

    Preview of the new song from the girls' Japanese releases: 2Cg7XNbNt_c OMG I luv it.
  8. Jigsaw9

    Hmm preview sounds interesting... kinda like a cross between the High End of Low style and something more...mechanical? (no, I don't mean the Mechanical Animals album, just saying that it's kinda monotonous xD) We'll see. Cover art is not much, lol. But nice photo anyway. Looking forward, only 2 more weeks till it drops! (and hopefully the video too)
  9. Jigsaw9

    Hmmm sounds kinda okay (though nothing special) so far.
  10. According to the new flyer of the god and death stars (band of aie, ex-the studs, ex-deadman, etc): "second mini album coming soon". No date is given but I guess it will be released in 2012, probably not sooner than summer (?). Sorry, that's not much of a concrete news, just wanted to share my excitement~ edit: the title will be tonight is the night (yeah, it's the same as that studs song ^^).
  11. Jigsaw9

    Wow, cool! Morrie seems to be busy with music lately, I approve!
  12. Jigsaw9

    Hmm maybe this is them? Sorry, couldn't find anything else. xD MzXQpKrRtLc edit: okay, forget that, Champ's right I think. Plus, the CDJapan page says this is their 2nd single, so it's a lot more likely that it's a current band.
  13. Jigsaw9

    ^ Saw this earlier today, seems pretty cool - at least from what little I could actually hear of it...
  14. Jigsaw9

    It's the 6th anniversary of the group, congrats to them! ^^
  15. Jigsaw9

    ^ That's their fanclub, right? Interesting... maybe they'll disband for real? Or they're just fooling us again, haha (I remember such news about the fanclub and "expiration dates" and stuff from years ago xD).
  16. Jigsaw9

    ^ They're on a label called "gil sound works" if my search is correct. At least they have some stuff for sale in the gil sound works online shop, and their latest (?) album's product code has "GILS..." in it, so I'm assuming that's the label. coldrain seems to be on the same label as well, for example.
  17. Jigsaw9

    Listened to it now. FANTASTIC BABY is awesome party stuff!! My new fave BB song after TONIGHT, I think. The other songs bored me immensely but didn't really expect anything else from them, so not really a letdown (I just wish they made more party or rap/hip-hop songs instead of the "comfy" low-key stuff). Okay, BAD BOY had some nice bits, and it was nice to hear Daesung's solo track (he has the best voice out of them IMO), eventhough I wasn't too fond of the song itself.
  18. Jigsaw9

    ^ Haha, yeah, thought so. Thx!
  19. Jigsaw9

    ^ Cool, thanks! Only knew about Mansonwiki out of those, seem like nice sites.
  20. Jigsaw9

    Pretty epic-sounding album trailer: 09tyUI-8gro Also: samples from all the songs (I'm not gonna listen to those, don't wanna spoil the fun xD)
  21. Jigsaw9

    ^ Some interesting titles there! By the way, where do you guys get your Manson news/info from, usually? I used to frequently lurk the official message board but that's been down for a while now.
  22. Jigsaw9

    I guess it's the "last European tour" because it's just not worth it for them to have concerts abroad, because of bad economy and stuff (kinda like what Dada of Velvet Eden has been writing about recently). He said this on FB a while back about this:
  23. Jigsaw9

    Those songsss~~ Sucks that they didn't play those I guess. And sucks that he apparently was crap, I can't understand this kind of behavior...especially if someone's making a comeback of sorts, plus anniversary and whatnot. He makes it seem like he just doesn't give a fuck (in a bad way). Meh.
  24. Jigsaw9

    Oh wow, the line-up looks excellent!! It's sad that we won't see/hear it though... I will be curious for the setlists! ^^
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