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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    Not bad setlist! Apart from Personal Jesus and mOBSCENE it could even be a Holy Wood era setlist, haha. It's interesting how there's no keyboardist though not that he would do much anyway (I guess those random extra sounds can be easily replicated with playback audio, or "stripped-down" version is okay too). Chianti: I think the spoken 1996 must be similar to when he performed it on the Dead to the World tour back in '96: bZRVkNRhdX4 (so maybe half spoken-word, half music?)
  2. Jigsaw9

    Another two previews, these ones sound a bit better to my liking: BjRv7XrqUzI KUvz5cwKyDI LOL at the "boom shaka laka" part though. :'DDDDD
  3. Jigsaw9

    Yeah, same thoughts here, haha. xD Can't wait for the full thing! I gotta find some sneaky way of getting it too, it seems they'll only release it through a very small label/service that doesn't do overseas shipping, and the damn thing will be limited to 500 copies. Hmmm maybe with CDJapan's shopping service...?
  4. Jigsaw9

    Okay, this is getting ridiculous: the album has been postponed yet again, this time for May.
  5. Jigsaw9

    33uGUBW_Lm8 Not too good quality (radio rip) but I like the song.
  6. Jigsaw9

    ^ Cool, thanks for the info! Still looking forward to it, especially since Jake is involved too!
  7. Jigsaw9

    Previews of two more songs: d9kA02v0geg 8p1GE4wmcXI ...I don't know, hearing these makes me even more underwhelmed. I was kinda hoping that with a title like BAD BOY we'd get a song that is more, uhm, lively/in-your-face. xD Not impressed by this comeback at all so far.
  8. Jigsaw9

    ^ Yeah, I agree. The haters are way overreacting ever since... hopefully it'll all calm down soon.
  9. Jigsaw9

    Awesome then! I'm actually looking forward to that a bit more than this single (at least for now). ^^"
  10. Jigsaw9

    Covers (regular and limited edition):
  11. Jigsaw9

    ^ This article kinda explains it. Here's the more relevant part:
  12. Jigsaw9

    Looking at the bonus DVDs of the two limited editions I think they exchanged the idea of a full-length/proper DVD for these (not that they mentioned it would be a full normal DVD anyway). I hope we'll get some cool songs on there~ It was a 6-night concert series, so I guess each disc will feature different selected songs.
  13. Jigsaw9

    ^ Ugh yeah... wishing them the best too. Eventhough I think they were rude at that Thai press conference in the first place, but they already apologized on more occasions, so... (for those who don't know what happened)
  14. Jigsaw9

    Oh cool, thanks for the covers! I like the regular one the most I think.
  15. Jigsaw9

    LOL, 4 types... But anyway, looking forward to hearing it!
  16. Jigsaw9

    I think my top 3 would be the same three albums, just in reverse order, haha.
  17. Jigsaw9

    Meh not liking the new song, boooring... the video is kinda nice though.
  18. Jigsaw9

    ^ Oh cool, thanks for the info. By the way, I edited the topic title for 2012, lol. Let's hope that mini will be finally released this year.
  19. Jigsaw9

    ^ Nice setlist. Little Horn must be intense live! (hopefully he/they'll deliver the stuff well)
  20. Jigsaw9

    TRIGGERS. Moar of them. Haha, triggers on all the instruments! Anyway I guess it will be just a regular "heavy" NEGA song. My guess is that the lyrical content is what's too extreme.
  21. Jigsaw9

    I was looking forward to this album...until I read the tracklist, lol. Well the already known/old songs are a mixed bag on a scale from boring to pretty good, I just wanna say I love CHASE and DRINK IT DOWN (Yukihiro needs to write more songs!), the rest is kinda forgettable/interchangeable. As for the new songs, Bye Bye (okay, not really new but whatever) is a tad boring, Mirai sekai is atrocious in itself as well as a closing track, however shade of season (yep, Yukihiro definitely needs to write more songs!) and wild flower on the other hand are gorgeous - really took me by surprise! Which just saddens me more, seeing that they could still deliver some gems but were either lazy to write more or I dunno. The fact that there's so little new material and the old stuff is kinda mediocre/tired is certainly not in favor of this album. If I think about it, I might even enjoy listening to the TRUE album (my least favorite of theirs) more than this...which is just sad, lol. If I were to give out points it would be a weak 4 or 5/10. A disgrace to their name, even more so because I think their last few albums were pretty good. A shame, really.
  22. Jigsaw9

    I was really looking forward to this, and the album met my expectations. I really loved GEMINI, so I was curious where they will go next with their sound. This one seems a bit of a continuation of that more refined songwriting and execution with more compact/stand-alone type of songs. The starting track really sets the mood (reminded me a bit of LUNA SEA at points actually, as did some other parts on the album), as well as the closer gives a great example of the overall sound and feeling of the album; I love these two tracks. My other favorite from the new songs is the Arc: badass riffing and all around kickass track! Actually, most of the new songs were okay or better, so I'm pleased. Still not liking Niji no yuki, and still thinking Heart of Gold is a bit boring but whatever, the rest is pretty solid stuff. Overall as much as I loved GEMINI, I think I may end up liking this album just as much (but VANDALIZE still remains my fave A9 album). Good job!
  23. Jigsaw9

    ^ Ah okay, I wasn't aware of that (just looked simply stylish to me). xD
  24. Jigsaw9

    Whoah, that pic is awesome! And thanks for all the info, kinda looking forward to it!
  25. Jigsaw9

    Wow, that's cool, especially with those Chinese references (didn't see that one coming, haha).
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