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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    ^ Thx for the info! ^^
  2. Jigsaw9

    I've only now had the time and mood to listen to Rengeteg - it really is awesome! I like how Tamás is able to deliver constant quality. Gonna have to buy this one too!
  3. Jigsaw9

    ^ Nice find! Even though it was more simplistic than their first PV, I kinda liked this better.
  4. Jigsaw9

    ^ Wow, pretty cool indeed!
  5. ^ Nice! I hope they'll announce the release date of the mini album at that gig. ^^
  6. Jigsaw9

    ^ Yay, thanks for the link! The album sounds promising so far. And whoah, a 10-minute song? Curious how that'll work out.
  7. Jigsaw9

    Survive Style 5+ LOL, was pretty good.
  8. Jigsaw9

    Looks like he was in pretty good form this time. Some random vids: Hey, Cruel World.../Disposable Teens eQp4ibPKKU4 Personal Jesus/Pistol Whipped (complete with 10-sec guitar solo played by Manson, lol) t6c5q0cIkfg Slo-mo-tion (lol at Twiggy's backing vocals xD) gM1JZxkFadQ Antichrist Superstar C-bi2V5mY6E
  9. Jigsaw9

    ^ That's a pretty cool setlist! A bit too few new songs, but still lookin' good.
  10. ^ Or it might be the old version, so to speak. (since it started out as a god and death stars song, like some other studs tracks) ...or it might have no connection, just the album title. xD I hope we'll get some release date/tracklist info soon~ ^^
  11. Tribute album PARADE II -RESPECTIVE TRACKS OF BUCK-TICK- will be released on 2012/07/04 (3000 yen), with the following artists/songs: ・acid android / SEXUAL×××××! ・Acid Black Cherry / ROMANESQUE ・AA= / M・A・D ・cali≠gari / MISTY ZONE ・氣志團 (Kishidan) / MACHINE ・THE LOWBROWS / エリーゼのために (Elise no tame ni) (THE LOWBROWS REMIX) ・D'ERLANGER / ICONOCLASM ・BREAKERZ / JUST ONE MORE KISS ・Pay money To my Pain / love letter ・POLYSICS / Sid Vicious ON THE BEACH ・ムック (MUCC) / JUPITER ・MERRY / 悪の華 (Aku no hana) ・N'夙川BOYS (N'shukugawa BOYS) / EMPTY GIRL OMG. AA=, cali≠gari, Kishidan, THE LOWBROWS, D'ERLANGER, POLYSICS, MUCC, MERRY... this will be amazing! (also, I edited the very first post of the thread will all the release information so far)
  12. Jigsaw9

    Hmm kinda looking forward to hearing them! I'm a bit cautious though, after that horrible PV preview of Lily...
  13. Jigsaw9

    Listening to the album for the third time now, it's a pretty solid release, I'm happy. ^^ These are the highlights so far: - Hey, Cruel World...: awesome opener! I like how it gradually builds up aggression/energy. - Pistol Whipped: there's something about this song that's really addictive, lovin' the big contrasts between the verses and chorus. - Overneath the Path of Misery: can't get enough of this, so raw/visceral! A definite improvement on the trailer version. - Slo-Mo-Tion: the overall oozy feeling is awesome, as is Manson's weird vocals, haha. - Children of Cain: great atmosphere, epic chorus! I love that angsty part towards the end when it's almost just Manson singing/talking. - Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms: whoah, Twiggy does blues-metal! Nice and sleazy, almost reminds me of doom/stoner metal at times. - Born Villain: this would've been an awesome closer, such a perfect little song with lots of layers! Disengaged and Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day are pretty good too, I feel like they're really gonna grow on me. I find the other songs kinda average but each of them has some good moments basically. I especially love how cohesive and unifying the whole sound is. I can't compare it to other Manson albums, it feels like he used some characteristic bits and pieces from everywhere, then put it into this totally new feeling (if that makes sense xD). Impressive album! edit: oh and about the bonus track - I found it totally unnecessary, it's nothing special (and not really "Manson-like" at all).
  14. Kazu (tgads/DIMMDIVISION. bassist) tweeted this a few days ago.
  15. Jigsaw9

    ^ Maybe it leaked accidentally and they removed it soon after, but not soon enough, haha (but yeah, I saw some tumblr posts back in early April with some lyrics). Found the lyrics meanwhile on AZLyrics, they seem to be pretty accurate, more or less. Anyway, just through my first listen! It'll have to sink in but it's pretty okay/consistent (though some stuff gets a bit repetitive). Will listen to it a lot more of course, when I have the time. But seems like a good job overall.
  16. Jigsaw9

    ^ Weird, none of the lyrics show up for me. When I click on a song title it just shows the album tracklist on the right and the song title on the left with a big empty space below it, lol. xD
  17. Jigsaw9

    Well yeah, but not intentionally/officially, so to speak. Would've been nice to hold it in my hands while listening to the album on my stereo. Anyway, downloading it right now like there's no tomorrow!
  18. Jigsaw9

    Japanese listeners tend to play it real safe and not leak/upload that much, as I observed. But then again, seems like some stores in the US have it already too, so hmmm... Well in any case, my bet is that we might hear it by the weekend or something (I hope xD). Also I heard that apparently there's no booklet, just a fold-out digipack case? How lame is that? I know, it's the music that counts and stuff, but awesome artwork and lyrics are what I buy most of my CDs for. To have that "sitting down and blasting the album while flipping through the cool booklet and reading the lyrics"-experience. I'll still be happy to get the album in the mail in a few weeks but meh...this just makes me wanna download it the first instance I find a leak.
  19. Jigsaw9

    ^ I'll definitely check that out soon, heard some pretty positive stuff about it. My last movie: Pig Hunt Only watched it because of Les Claypool & his music so...yeaaah it wasn't that good, lol.
  20. Jigsaw9

    They also have a funky cardboard figure, lol. カモーン!!
  21. As the 2nd part of MIYAVI's SAMURAI SESSION WORLD SERIES he is teaming up with French electronic DJ/producer YUKSEK for a new collaboration single titled DAY 1, being released on 2012/07/11 (further details unknown at the moment). Part of the song is already used in the CM for the Lotte ZEUS "SNOW STORM" flavor bubblegum: nEkp6lM0oaQ
  22. Jigsaw9

    Oh yeah, that too.
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