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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    Cooool~ I wish they'd release some stuff... I need moar Hina in mai raifu~ ;w;
  2. Jigsaw9

    i want the d
  3. Jigsaw9

    ^ I guess he means that while Grieva are known for copying Dir en grey's old vk style, Gossip are doing the same with the old Gazette style (which seems to be pretty obvious so far, especially considering it's JyuLie members xD). Anyway, kinda looking forward to what they have to offer, even if it doesn't sound too original...could be good.
  4. Jigsaw9

    Nice. Good to hear they still sound like a reinvigorated LUNA SEA.
  5. Jigsaw9

    Well that was . . . innnteresting.
  6. Jigsaw9

  7. Jigsaw9

    Oh yay, another new song! Wondering how it sounds. Also cool, CLEVER SLEAZOID~ 8D
  8. Jigsaw9

    I strongly recommend Oto-oni (sadly disbanded tho). ...or if you want something super-heavy (but less traditional-flavored, just "in spirit"/lyrical matter):
  9. Jigsaw9

    Nice stuff~
  10. Jigsaw9

    Already read the name of that Run The Jewels countless times since last year, so finally checked out their album...and well, it's pretty good. Other than that, current hip-hop I'm interested in is Mykki Blanco (s/he upped a pretty crazy/weird/awesome track not long ago) and Odd Future stuff (mainly Tyler and Earl), Death Grips (shame they disbanded) and maybe Le1f. Also it's not "pure" hip-hop (more like... "rap/rave"?) but big Die Antwoord fan here.
  11. Jigsaw9

    For a sec there I thought the 3rd track's title was gonna be WELCOME TO THE HOOD.
  12. Jigsaw9

    22 Jump Street - Didn't have many expectations, cuz even though the first movie was decent, we all know how typical bromance comedy sequels are. Well, seems like I was proven wrong cuz this movie was pretty much kickass all the way. Okayish action scenes, fun/dumb atmosphere that pokes fun at the story being essentially the same again, and of course lots of laugh-out-loud moments (haven't heard so much laughter at the cinema for a long time, and this was a press screening even! lol). I totally recommend watching it if you enjoyed - or even just "somewhat liked" - the first one.
  13. best thing I've seen all day. ;w; <3
    1. Shir0


      That is so cute :'3

  14. Jigsaw9

    Painfully obvious DEATHGAZE wrote and recorded a painfully obvious DEATHGAZE album yet again. Almost literally the only standout tracks are those of previous singles: DEAD BLAZE has such top-notch energy and aggression that I'm even able to forgive Typical Desugaze Chorus #3445, while THE UNDERWORLD is quite beautiful and elegant in its gothy-ness and provides a bit of well-deserved fresh air among the stale surroundings. Opening song ENIGMA manages to ignite a spark too (that distorted-to-hell-and-back bass is a nice touch btw!) but ultimately falls prey to its own idiotic repetitiveness. Otherwise a fitting starter. Other worthwhile moments include SADISTIC SMILE and FEAR, neither of whom I can remember anything except for digging them upon listening. The rest either couldn't even elicit a reaction from me or sounded atrocious (lookin' at you, READY GO a.k.a. obligatory ending-on-a-happy-and-genki-note song). All in all, it's good for what it is but I doubt I'll recall any melody or riff, say, tomorrow. xD | the usual average-to-okay display, what you see is what you get
  15. Jigsaw9

    ayyyyyyy Ketch and Amon playing together again, sweet (even if just for some random session).
  16. Jigsaw9

    aww must've been awesome~ ;w;
  17. Jigsaw9

    dat black metal logo
  18. Jigsaw9

    The serial code thingies of the CDs appear to be the same as Kaya's releases btw, if that's of any indication ("DDCZ-...").
  19. Jigsaw9

    TAKEI MIZER swag https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/499181361513504769
  20. ^ I don't think he's played those since, like...2006 or so. XD
  21. Jigsaw9

    omg totally missed this news... also yay, it's gonna be out soon! XD
  22. Jigsaw9

    Thx Trombe for the live bonus track clarification~ Cover art is giving me massive Hotei Guitarhythm vibes btw, tho probably won't sound anything like that. xD Anyway, looking forward!
  23. Nice set! Also, some neat tracks in there that he didn't play while he was here..
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