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  1. Like
    Ito reacted to enyx in MH FEATURED POLL #26: Which is your favorite video game developer?   
    Most of those are more publishers than they are developers exactly. Many of them own multiple development studios that make the games they publish, but nevertheless are distinct studios that I feel should be judged individually rather than altogether. EA for example owns Bioware, DICE, Criterion, etc, which are all pretty distinct from each other than should be judged individually in my opinion. The same could be said for a company like Square Enix which has about 10 Japanese development teams, plus foreign studios such as Eidos Montreal, Crystal Dynamics, and IO Interactive.
    As publishers, most of those companies listed are pretty poor in my opinion. Other than Street Fighter V and Deep Down (which seems to be stuck in development hell), Capcom doesn't seem to be working on anything other than ports and remasters. Square's Japanese studios have been an absolute mess for the last decade; repeatedly wasting resources on failed engines (Crystal Tools, Luminous Studio) and taking forever to release games that aren't simple asset rehashes like the XIII sequels (case in point, FFXII, XIII, Type 0 and XV all having insanely long development times). EA and Ubi do a decent job of actually releasing a decent amount of games without much of a fuss, but neither of them publish much stuff that interests me (though DICE's Mirror's Edge sequel and Battlefront reboot both interest me somewhat at the moment).
    I'd say the two developers that stand out to me the most at the moment are CD Projekt RED (The Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077), and Platinum Games (Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising). The former I consider to be the best RPG developer in the world right now. Considering the fact that they only have three games under their belt and aren't owned by a major publisher it's astonishing how much they're making studios like Bioware and Bethesda look like amateurs in terms of world design, quest design, writing, and so on. The latter is just an excellent studio when it comes to developing games with really solid gameplay foundations and depth; the type of games that allow you to keep playing for hours and hours without hitting any sort of skill peak. In that respect they're like a modern version of Amusement Vision.
  2. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Flame-X in Ito's Photography   
    Been shooting a lot lately, so here are some new images that I took at Acen.



  3. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Flame-X in Ito's Photography   
    Here's another new one

  4. Like
    Ito got a reaction from enyx in Die(DIR EN GREY) project "DECAYS" has formed   
    Well, I am certainly interested. Kobayashi being a part of this is not what I would have ever expected.
  5. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Xhide1 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    I burned off a DVD of it for my friend in high school. His parents kicked me out of his house forever cause they saw him watching it and considered it porn. I was like seriously, wtf?!?! He probably has some of the worst parents I have ever met.
    What am I currently watching?
    I am watching Claymore with one of my friends. The story isn't incredibly deep, but somehow it is still really enjoyable. And badass.
    Started Le Chevalier D'Eon on netflix with Faku and his GF, don't really know if we are going to get much past the third episode.
    I downloaded Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi a while ago and started watching it about a month ago...it kinda sucks hard. Don't know if I am going to bother finishing it.
    And last but not least I finally got around to watching the Full Metal Panic anime. The manga is substantially better, not nearly as much dumb fan service and the presentation is far less cheesy, but somehow I am enjoying the anime none-the-less.
  6. Like
    Ito got a reaction from ghost in Dan's Photos   
    Really overall. I think you should play around with them a bit more and  have a bit more layering as well.
  7. Like
    Ito got a reaction from suzura in Ito's Photography   
    Here's another new one

  8. Like
    Ito got a reaction from ghost in Ito's Photography   
    Here's another new one

  9. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Mihenno in Ito's Photography   
    Here's another new one

  10. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in #41: 12 by cali≠gari   
    I honestly found 12 to be marginal at best. Better than 11 which I thought was huge turd, but there were so few songs that I really enjoyed. I marked half of the tracks as negative from my initial couple of listens and haven't really revisited the album till now...and even among the ones I didn't mind,t here isn't a single track that I -really- enjoyed.
    I find Cali=Gari to be an incredibly hard band to write about....as I really didn't like their specific brand of weird that they brought with this album. But that's not to say that I don't enjoy a lot of their weird. Take Hakkyou Channel for example. I have a hard time explaining how I enjoy that track but something like Van Bang Bang off of 12 just annoys me. 
  11. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    GF and I have been watching Ore Monogatari...been enjoy it so far.
  12. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Original Saku in Show off your Rig   
    Also, there is a fairly easy was to trim $139.89 off of that list XD
  13. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Koike in Show off your Rig   
    Also, there is a fairly easy was to trim $139.89 off of that list XD
  14. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Muma in There and back again, a Muma's tale   
    I still call him Zess anyways lol
  15. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Muma in There and back again, a Muma's tale   
    I feel like more and more people are making it back lately XD
    Welcome back!
  16. Like
    Ito reacted to Champ213 in Karaoke Contest Round 1 Voting!   
    Welcome to round 1 of our Karaoke Contest 2015! Please check out the entries and pick your favourite!
    You should vote purely based on vocal skills, not the choice of song, recording quality etc.
    The order of songs here is the order in which I received them. Of our 9 contestants, the first 5 will advance to the next round. If one or more tracks are tied for fifth place at the end of the voting, there will be a tie-breaker vote. The vote will close Wednesday 24th at 11 pm (CEST).
    Ma Junior
    東京ヒーローズ (Tokyo Heroes) - 冬唄 (Fuyuuta)

    D'espairsRay - MAZE

    lynch. - ecdysis.

    D - Dearest You

    Jadey Rage
    Idina Menzel - Let it Go

    DEAD END - Serafine

    Phantom of the Opera (Japanese version)

    Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah

    2PM - Take off

    And, as a reminder:
    Please do NOT ask your friends on social media etc. to vote for your song, or advertise your entry here! One of the reasons we use pseudonyms is to avoid friend voting! This contest is about your vocal talents, not mobilizing people on Facebook! If we notice that someone is trying to rig the voting by asking for votes, that person will be banned from the contest!
  17. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Mihenno in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Was really hoping we would get a release window for FFXV. Guess not lol
  18. Like
    Ito got a reaction from efuru in BACK AGAIN   
    Welcome back to the insanity
  19. Like
    Ito reacted to Original Saku in Show off your Rig   
    Just got this bad boy in the mail


    I was a amd guy but with the release of the 900 series I seriously was having a hard time staying faithful and then to find out that the 300 series was pretty much a rebrand from amd, that really was the last straw and I couldn't stop myself from making the switch although the fury and fury x are totally new cards they are way to pricey for my budget xD
    I'll post more pictures later after I get this monster into my system
  20. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Honestly, for me, FF7 is the ONLY one that truly needs a remake. As someone who was late to the FF scene, I picked up VII-X at the same time when I finally had the money to get a PS2 late-ish in to it's life cycle. At the time when FF7 came out, the graphics were probably awesome, but honestly, those character models are truly off-putting. I was a huge reason as to why I couldn't really get in to the game. VIII and IX are soooo much better in that regards. So to ME, this feels like they are finally making an FF7 that I really want to play.
  21. Like
    Ito got a reaction from beni in Show Yourself (again)   
    MH Bros are best bros
  22. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Kaye in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    My apartment when:

    Quote from my friend:
    "We'll see The Last Guardian when we see a Final Fantasy VII Remake."
  23. Like
    Ito got a reaction from enyx in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    My apartment when:

    Quote from my friend:
    "We'll see The Last Guardian when we see a Final Fantasy VII Remake."
  24. Like
    Ito got a reaction from clow_eriol in Show Yourself (again)   
    MH Bros are best bros
  25. Like
    Ito reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in [SOLVED] Identifying VK Cosplayers   
    I think the bottom one is a somewhat inaccurate Riku.

    And this D picture is the top one:

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