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Everything posted by Ito

  1. My fiancee and I just finished Sakamoto. It was funny in parts, but overall I feel pretty meh about it. I felt like if it was a short form, it would probably have worked way better. I also finish Kabanari of the Iron Fortress. I would be lying to you if I said anything but the retro aesthetics kept me around. It was pretty brainless, and the story arc of the second half of the show was just bad, but I honestly wasn't expecting it to be good.
  2. Ito

    Ugh, man, I'm sorry about that. Honestly, perhaps it is is because of my area, but I have never been worried about walking around by myself while playing. It doesn't hurt that there is always a ton of people around playing as well. Last night I counted about 55 people out just chilling in a collection of 2 pokestops with lures up in my smallish town lol.
  3. Ito

    Mistakes were made...
  4. Ito

    @Original Saku you won't hear me disagreeing. Pokemon Go is NOT a good game mechanically. It's pretty much a giant skinner box. But I would argue that the fun isn't found purely in the addictive nature of the game, but in the social aspect. If you don't want to get up, walk around, and meet people, you aren't going to have fun. I have spent more time talking to random people walking around in my town in the past few days than I have in the previous year. Passing by all these people enjoying doing this same silly thing? I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me a little giddy. I also feel part of the joy of this game is that evokes a huge childhood nostalgia in playing video games. I'm not talking about because it is gen 1 pokemon, but more the wonder of it all. The game hasn't been data mined yet and we are all still guessing at the inner workings of the game - there isn't some great site where we can all google things yet and there is a lot of talking between people on where to find certain pokemon. I know this isn't something unique to pokemon go and applies to other multiple player games at launch, but man, I am just loving it.
  5. Ito

    My god this game is bad...why can't I stop playing it? XD Seriously though, I thought I was over pokemon, but I have had so much fun playing this game so far. I have been stunned with how much acitivity this game has had in my town. I have gown out for several pokewalks so far, and one day I think I passed around 70 or so people playing. The way that this game is starting a public community is just astounding and has me excited in a way few games have have gotten me in a LONG time. Who else is playing? And more importantly, what team are you? TEAM INSTINCT!!!
  6. Ito

    I liked it - for sure an improvement over a lot of their stuff on their last release, but still doesn't really hit me in the way that I wish it did.
  7. God, now I want to see Shinkai's new film even more, which I didn't think was possible.
  8. Ito

    Straightened some things, but mostly how I normally have it lol. I like to keep things pretty tidy, otherwise I feel like I am more easily distracted.
  9. Ito

    Here's my work desktop:
  10. Ito

    Been playing Uncharted 4 and man, that game has not disappointed. It's hard to understate how beautiful of a game it is.
  11. Ito

    God, you know you have been to too many cons when you know exactly where that is, before even reading the text.
  12. Ito

    I don't think it was possible to give me a greater compliment <3
  13. Ito

    MY suprise of the show has to be Steep. There hasn't been a great action sports game in a while now and I happen to -love- skiing, so I am excited.
  14. Ito

    Everyone in here being all pretty and I'm like
  15. Happy Birthday, newest supreme overlord!

    1. doombox


      Ayeeeee, thank you! #redteam4lyfe

  16. Ito

    Molly is cool. She came to my panel. You could be this cool. But you didn't come to my panel, so you're not.
  17. Ito

    Awwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeah lmao
  18. Ito

    Need more! XD I'll give some legit comments when I have more time, but I think the shots you posted certainly look promising!
  19. Ito

    It might be a bit of hyperbole, but honestly, The Pillows music in FLCL is a huge reason why I fell in love with Jrock, and eventually why this placed ended up existing XD
  20. Ito

    This is good news - FAKE? has strayed a bit too far for me to really enjoy anymore, so I have high hopes for this.
  21. Well....I was planning a visit to see a friend in SF this summer....
  22. Ito

    Didn't care for their first two albums, but their last two were a lot better, so here's to hopping they continue on that path of improvement.
  23. Ito

    This was lovely - I demand more! XD Cassis I used to -looove- when it come out, but it has not held up to me at all. Not that is a bad song, but it just feels so bland to me now. This review also reminded how good Toguro is.
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