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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    For me it's the same: since I started highschool, I've never been bullied anymore. But a little during elementary school and a lot in middle school. In elementary school, I was 1-2 kilos overweight, so girls in my school always called me "cicciona" (italian not polite way to say plumb). Then, at middle school, I started lose weight... until I became 8 kilos underweight. So, in the first year of middle school, people called me "skeleton, ugly dark bitch" and so on. In the second year, since I finally started to remain in a wise weight, they started called me "cesso" (= WC :°D). Then, during volleyball, a girl made me fall and I broke my nose. That girl hated me. I don't think it was an accident. Luckily, my nose didn't change shape, but it hurted a lot. In the end of second year and during all the third one, since I started listening visual rock, they started called me "guy with little penis chun chun music" obsessed. But in november, this problem was solved. But... then? ANOTHER ONE STARTED! A new girl in my school arrived. This girl, really ugly, fat and acid, started to say HORRIBLE things about me 'cause I was one of the best student of the whole school and that I was more beautiful than her (that's what people told me). Then, she wrote a sort of Death Note diary with modalities of how to kill me. I stole this diary and bring it to the headmaster. She has been called by him, and when this happened, she made me fall. Then I give her a fist to defense. So, in the end, she has been suspended. I havent' 'cause I give her a fist for not being punched more by her. So, since 2007 christmas, luckily all that bullism-stuff, finally ended. But it still hurts. I have no self-esteem and I always need compliments/staying with guys who like me to feel myself good. I hope that this problem with myself will be solved too. Luckily in highschool I found lots of friends who I made more interested in manga, and I introduced visual rock to some of them, and a few of them even listen to it right now! so I am satisfied with my current position with schoolmates. Sure, some people still hates me (especially super rich bitch), but they actually hate everyone, so it's not a problem of mine, and now I know how to make understand that they shouldn't treat me like that, because I know what reply to them
  2. gyakutai

    nice pic, bakteeri! XD
  3. gyakutai

  4. gyakutai

    you're right, that's why I have a lot of delusion in fact :mrgreen:''' anyway, I still think that people won't change. I mean... if a person is stupid, whatever they like, they remain stupid.
  5. gyakutai

    D: I made this topic for who wanted to share their experiences XD people are free to reply or not XD
  6. gyakutai

    yeah, I am both XD is from philippines
  7. gyakutai

    Happy to see them still around! Waiting for previews
  8. gyakutai

    I agree with this, but when I don't like a person to the first impression, I don't change that easily opinion... of course someone will think the same of me, but this is normal.
  9. gyakutai

  10. gyakutai

    Pleasure~neo violence~ by 妃&関西貴?? (vo. Riku)
  11. gyakutai

    yes... I like only a few series, but these few ones are really loved by me XD is surprised I am still here D:
  12. gyakutai

    thinks I am an otaku but I am not D: I only follow(ed) in this time 8 series! D:
  13. gyakutai

    1 month ago: Despa live in Milan Have seen Plastic Tree live?
  14. gyakutai

    Wish granted: they come again, but a visual rock fangirl kidnap them then the concert is cancelled. I wish I was with the boy I like right now :/
  15. gyakutai

    don't worry XD sorry for having not understand!
  16. gyakutai

    I meant in visual rock scene. They are quite influenced by traditional Japanese stuff, though they are visual kei. They aren't "Wanna be american".
  17. gyakutai

    noticed this and doesn't know I do it a lot also from real I am yandere D:
  18. gyakutai

    thinking to get snake bites and 4 in each ears when I'll be overage O: that's why I am waiting, as you! for my parents and... fear of pain D:
  19. gyakutai

    Good point. I am happy my father doesn't go in the live venue with me even if he brings me there :mrgreen:'''
  20. gyakutai

    chocolate (ok, I am chocoholic D:)
  21. gyakutai

    thank you! XD
  22. gyakutai

    he's so nice ç_ç.
  23. gyakutai

    I hate sunday.
  24. gyakutai

    took from a desperate single italian girls group who is searching an asian dick boy, LOOOOOL I AM DYING OF LAUGHING
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