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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    I definitely can't wait!
  2. gyakutai

    This made my day!
  3. yay, that's great! I am looking forward to this release.
  4. gyakutai

    get well soon! ^^ and merry christmas btw. i wonder if you know that kansai seiatsu (with all ucp bands and session bands with ucp bands' members') will be streamed on the net, maybe someone will register it so you will be able to see it when you can ^^ I'l let you know!
  5. gyakutai

    I agree with Arithmetica: their behaviour is not really good. They played just a couple of songs (about 5) in Rome because there weren't many people even if the contract said they had to play minimum for a hour... I saw many bands like Guild playing with passion even if there were just a bunch of people in Slovakia or Belarus. Plus, I don't think their music suits Kiwamu's label so... I guess he did the right thing.
  6. gyakutai

    I hope it'll be more like their old sound, though I am so happy they're releasing something new!
  7. gyakutai

    uhm, strange marketing. but I am happy they're releasing another new single.
  8. gyakutai

    I doubt Kisaki will bring again UCP bands to Europe after this D:
  9. gyakutai

    I think UCP is definitely not serious when doing this. I love chariots and I am happy they're coming back but what about Lin? O_O'
  10. gyakutai

    unluckily I have to agree.... I hope the album will be better because this single was really bland and boring
  11. gyakutai

    could you give me a link to their FB? XD
  12. gyakutai

    only once performance sadly XD well, better than nothing!
  13. gyakutai

    From VisualVice.com: "Le groupe amber gris viendra se produire lors de la convention Paris Manga les 4 et 5 février ! Ils seront présents sur la convention les deux jours, mais le concert n'aura lieu que le dimanche, une séance de dédicaces est donc à prévoir ! Nous devons ce concert à un partenariat entre Paris Manga et la jeune association Unbounded Records. De plus amples informations seront annoncées très bientôt, comptez sur nous pour vous en informer au plus vite!" Translation: amber gris will partecipate to the convention Paris Manga on the 4th and 5th Febraury. They will be at the con for both days, but the concert will take place on Sunday and there will be also a signing session. The concert is organised by Paris Manga and the young association Unbounded Records You lucky Frenches ;W;
  14. gyakutai

    yay! can't wait 8D
  15. gyakutai

    I'd like to have more infos about Merry's members, especially NERO ;_; such as their favourite food, inspiration and so on ><' Can someone help me? Thank you in advance!
  16. gyakutai

    I would suggest you MERRY's Beautiful Freaks and GazettE's Toxic.
  17. gyakutai

    Hell no... I am going to miss him a lot. I hope he will be fine now, but vk/jrock world has lost a great musician today.
  18. gyakutai

    though it reminds me of DEG (Saku, lol), I love it! I am so happy they're coming back with this more aggressive sound Definitely gettin this.
  19. gyakutai

    *cross fingers* I really hope for a new release with a new member or an EU tour or... whatever. I am just really curious. I used to love back these guys when they were in UCP, though their newest album wasn't bad, it was OK. Let's wait a little bit more.
  20. I took pictures of the [_Vani;lla] collection I am selling: http://s1121.photobucket.com/albums/l516/oukaryouran/
  21. gyakutai

    ... ANDREA! Ma ciao X°D finalmente sei riuscito a iscriverti. Benvenuto èwé
  22. gyakutai

    Welcome to MH! I think Lin is one of the best "new" vk bands of 2011... glad to see other fans of this awesome band
  23. gyakutai

    Welcome back to the jrock fandom then XD Nice music taste btw!
  24. gyakutai

    ... what XDD
  25. gyakutai

    Personally, I am really disappointed. So far I liked just the title-track, mostly for SAN's riffs. SINK was a nice experiment, but it didn't end well as expected. Meisou is definitely the most average and boring track of the single... I think NEGA really changed after PERESTROIKA (aka themselves) started activities. Hope the album will be better... definitely. 5.5/10
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