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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    I think Homecoming wasnt too bad, it was kind of tedious in some parts but for the most part it was ok. I think I really need to play the other SH games to make a better comparison tho. Non-combat survival horror is so hard man Dx Forbidden Siren is like that in most parts of the game, you dont have a weapon so you have to hide until the zombie things cant see you anymore. and sometimes you're given a weapon and even then it doesnt work very well LOL.
  2. orangetarts

    OMG I was going thru some posts and I saw this and I was like .....wtf is this shit. lmao. but for song titles/album titles Doginthe PWO - Spicy Milk (that sounds so unappetizing) Poitrine - Maple Syrup Cocktail VanessA - Anigav (vagina backwards lol) SKULL - Rotten Strawberry Milk Chocola what is this obsession with milk???
  3. orangetarts

    Suzaku is a beautician
  4. orangetarts

    freesia hates cake.
  5. orangetarts

    6/10 idk who it is e_o
  6. orangetarts

    Yeah, going thru their music it was like I could see the change and I wasnt quite sure how I felt about it. but I really really like Kara no binsen *u* also watashi wa ame & ajisai from the renai album
  7. orangetarts

    Oh fuck man.... this is so hard. Just gonna put down what comes to mind first... DIAURA Lynch. SID MUCC THE KIDDIE (i really prefered Kazoku but this works) LuLu (still prefer the original lineup...) xTRiPx NoGod DangerGang Awoi (honorable mention) 12012 wow this list is shit tbh. but all of the bands I loved disbanded eons ago... i.e. KuRT, DELUHI, 176biz, CELLT, LAM, Ghost, Codomo A, The pumpkin head, etc etc. FUCK MAN.

  9. orangetarts

    There are so many.... Dog in the parallel world orchestra Crazy★shampoo YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz fuzzylog Death★Rabbits just as a few examples...
  10. orangetarts

    YESSSS ALL OF THIS THAT YOU JUST SAID. I have so many feels for this game and its so hard to accurately describe it so im glad that you were able to say what I couldnt. haha.
  11. orangetarts

    Single pringle~ Well, Idk the more I think about a relationship I realize how much I like being alone and independent. my roommates have been in a relationship for 4 years, and for 2 of those years it was long distance. but they way they cling to each other so much makes me think like.... I dont want someone nagging me to be with the 24/9 I want to sit in my room and look at tumblr and watch movies and kdramas without someone whining about how I dont spend enough time with them. also, in my last (actual) relationship I realized I hate being touched, or physical at all, and I suppose that would probably be a hinderance for a relationship... Ive been in a couple of long distance relationships but they fall apart rather quickly... Im not sure if im fickle or what. IDK MAN. I THINK IM RAD. AND MAYBE I JUST NEED TO FIND THE RIGHT PERSON ETC ETC. but for now... I have a cat. and she's annoying. but it's better than nothing.
  12. orangetarts

    Apparently I never realized SID was so good???? Ive been jamming all day lol.
  13. orangetarts

    Not everyone really has money to buy the music and I very much believe in sharing the wealth but also as juka was saying, attitude makes all the difference. maybe im too nice a person, but the reason i stepped out of the jrock/vkei scene was because of snotty elitist prats being all high and mighty about what they owned and refused to share... idk thats just me tho.
  14. why didnt i know SID was so good a long ass time ago.

  15. orangetarts

    lols because tvxq
  16. orangetarts

    Although I am a fan of Schwarz Stein...these are lame. this is also wtf worthy.
  17. orangetarts

    SID - dead stock Janne De Arc - Rainy Never Crazy - 恋哀方程式
  18. orangetarts

    Hey, at least you managed to dye your hair a solid color, unlike mine which was like....5 and gross
  19. orangetarts

    I was cute today. yay for wigs and lots of makeup 8D
  20. orangetarts

    oldies but goldies ;D
  21. orangetarts

    Imo, most oshare bands, but not all are just really crappy bands ? idk like theres no depth to it, not that its really supposed to have any anyway.... but idk thats just me. theyre more focused on the style rather than the music so when its not in style anymore, its over.
  22. orangetarts

    1015 ;_;
  23. orangetarts

    SID - 空の便箋、空への手紙 ♡
  24. orangetarts

    Beef top ramen
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