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Everything posted by Gregg_Prince

  1. Gregg_Prince

    hahahaha one of the most prominsing bands nowadays and this happens, well this is vk
  2. Hope Sui forget abot what he said when MEgaromania disbanded, that Lin was the last band and he'll retired after. please dont make him dieee!!!!
  3. Gregg_Prince

    how come they will disband cos one member is going to retired, that makeno sense at all, can found a new one like in secs, something deeper is going on
  4. Gregg_Prince

    so they will use the same lok as happy unbirthday, they major for god sake!!!
  5. thanks for uploading the pvs wujuuu
  6. so is a 2nd couping single i wonder how the songs sound
  7. Gregg_Prince

    that set list <3
  8. Gregg_Prince

    ne limited single, new logo, new name, new look, new mv, new concept, new Misaruka
  9. Gregg_Prince

    I onyl hope he sontinue his solo project cos im really not enjoying femme fatale and i thought kaya recorded a pv for vampire requiem but was just for the cm
  10. My pokemon are better than your pokemon!!

  11. Gregg_Prince

    can you share the tracks o the single pls?
  12. Do you own the mini album .Can you share it? Sorry for asking but I have to.
  13. My boyfriend say I'm cute :)

    1. ricchubunny


      thats nice, imagine if your boyfriend says you aren't cute lol

  14. Gregg_Prince

    So, did you get the live-limited single "akari"? *I'm still looking for 4 bonus tracks form regular version from singles u.u
  15. Gregg_Prince

    I think in that rady marmarade should be the vocaist of Lycaon he always sis the slut in the singles
  16. Gregg_Prince

    Noooo, was waitin for news from SA but really, fucking god, like fuckkkk
  17. Gregg_Prince

    I insist should change the #%$#& name
  18. I was waiting for this news so long (since NEGA disbanded) hope the other members are: SAN, Ray & Yuu lol
  19. Gregg_Prince

    It'll be with 10 tracks total and limited to 500 copies, it's set to pre-order right now. Actually on his website there are two photosets on sale.
  20. Gregg_Prince

    lol I guess I'm not the only one DADA blocked from Facebook, it's sad that your 60 years old iol act like 16 and be this way with his fans.
  21. omg i really like this band, awful news, gonna listen to them all day R.I.P
  22. Gregg_Prince

    Someone has the track by WING WORKS
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