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Posts posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. So I didn't get moved over to the department I wanted because of recent sick issues that are no longer a problem because of getting my health sorted aka pulled out 6 bad teeth and getting the rest treated. But instead of letting it get to me I've decided to embrace it and be the stronger person in this situation. I've just got to remain motivated and focused!


  2. I don't know. The full screaming was good because Keisuke is really fucking good at it but it's nice to see a vocalist grown out of that as well. Yes, it's the current trend with vk to have full metalcore screams with clean vocals and yes, bands are just going to do that these days because it's the thing to do.


    The thing is that it's not bad. I actually quite like this song even though they're adapting a slightly different way you also have to think that this may be one of the "softer" songs on the album as well.

  3. 18 hours ago, Kaz0712 said:

    Actually, regarding technique, Roji was probably one of the best drummers in the VK circuit. Live, An can't keep up with the original parts Roji use to play because they're so hard. An is not an awful drummer, there's just a pretty extreme gap between his level and Roji's. As a fan I'm kind of disappointed.:tw_confounded:

    Ah no, I'm not saying he was a terrible drummer in the slightest just his past history makes this not a surprise.

  4. Lots of people keeping telling me to stay at my current job but as time passes I'm just becoming more depressed and unhappy. They say I should at least stay until my dental stuff is over with but at this rate my job is really killing me inside. I have less motivation to do things and interact with others. I'm starting to hate even going home because it's all just temporary and I'm not getting the release I usually do through music and my hobbies because I'm just dreading going back to work.

  5. Man, I really need to make sure my personal happiness is the most important thing. Gotta get my teeth fixed and wait until that's done to get things moving in another direction.


    I'm really getting fed up at work with how much slack I have to pick up along with a couple others in my department because of a few bad apples we can't get rid of. Yeah, I make a lot more money now but my sanity... the cost to my sanity has been so damn high it's not worth it anymore. But I can't until I get my teeth fixed... the struggle...


    The depression is really starting to eat at me...

  6. 10 minutes ago, jaymee said:


    I feel like PLC has been really generous about scheduling around their other band's schedules tho. It might be a reason, but not the main one imho.


    Like this year PLC fans won't get a Halloween live because AYA and seek will perform with MSI instead. At least in AYA's eyes, Mix was his priority. It's not a big secret among PLC gya that it took forever for them to get back together specifically because they were waiting on him to come around. (As much of a blow that's been to me as an AYA fan that has never really cared for Mix.)

    Even in his message on the site now, he says that through all the good times and bad times, personally Mix is his number one band. But he also says this is something they have talked about doing many times before that. 

    So may actually maybe the opposite... Maybe AYA finally relented to let PLC get back together because there had been previous talks about Mix disbanding and he thought/knew it was only a matter of time. If vocalist NIKA is retiring, that leads me to think that either there is a situation where he can't continue singing/VK, like health issues or getting married/settling down or something. They've already had one vocalist change in the past, and maybe they weren't keen on going that route again.

    It could be a mix of those reasons. Perhaps just hunting down another vocalist was already trouble enough before. They're really a niche band and finding another singer could be more trouble than it's worth when PLC could possibly just have more activity to make for it.

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