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Everything posted by Raburr7

  1. 01.誘惑ラプソディー 02.MASK(新曲) 03.Super Look of Love 04.CARAVAN 05.I'll be there for you 06.シンデレラ 07.ABC 08.サクラ 09.ブックマーク(新曲) 10.さよなら~ゲルセミウム・エレガンス~ 11.CIRCUS 12.居酒屋らぷそでぃー(新曲) 13.DESIRE 14.星に願いを
  2. Raburr7

    Oh - _ -
  3. Hilcrhyme new single *_____* sooooooooooo good

  4. Raburr7

    hahahahaha NIIIIIIIIIIIICE
  5. Raburr7

    lol i copy pasted what i wrote and put the spaces together and it doesnt work if i copy paste it by the video it works and its the same thing o.O Oh lol, because it is underlined.....
  6. Raburr7

    haha http://www .youtube. com / watch?v=lKQiyDcFIeU ^ like this
  7. Raburr7

    ^^ Just copy paste the video link that is on the search bar XD or whatever it is called i just press and play the video , then copy paste the http://www bla bla < >
  8. Raburr7

    i think this was the video i had seen Oh, cool
  9. Raburr7

    What's your favorite song by xTRiPx? サクライロ because from what i remember it is the first pv/song i watched from them randomly on youtube and made me interested in their music ^^ What's your favorite release by xTRiPx? I will have to say (although this is a very difficult question to answer love everythin they have done ) their recent mini album Lo+ver.. Simply perfect Did you like them better when they were five or do you like them more now as a trio? I dont really care how many they are as long as the vocalist is Yo shiT oooo <3 Do you think they need to hire more people? If so, can you think of anybody in the scene that you think would fit the band? I cant really answer this because i dont know anyone but as long as they dont disband/hiatus etc im more than happy
  10. baroque - gakidou live <333333333333333333
    1. Raburr7
    2. nekkichi


      I miss this baroque :( their comeback music is so bland

  12. finally after 4 months its up on ituneeeees / complete DOWNER disco <33333

    1. Yuki460


      that's our best chance for see someone share it ^^

    2. Raburr7


      will post a complete DOWNER/マル discography thread in some months ;p

    3. Raburr7
  13. Raburr7

  14. Raburr7

    probably since uwakimono was under pony canyon too
  15. Raburr7

    Can't agree more with what you're sayin but those moments are what make this kind of vocals in vk so ....... special
  16. lookin forward to it ^^
  17. Raburr7

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