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Posts posted by GazeRockSnob

  1. I agree with your review. Tbh I've forgotten Dogma already. I thought I was gonna regret not buying it after hearing Ominous but nope, glad I didn't spend over $100 over a pretty much uneventful album. I feel like Dawn, Deracine and Ominous are the only relevant songs on the album.

  2. This would be true if the GazettE actually put in any effort at all (unless their taste has gone to shit which is also quite possible).

    Sai I love you but Imma punch you.


    If you compare it to DIM then you will say that no effort has been made but if you compare it to Toxic & Division then it is obvious that they tried. Uruha had said in the MTV 81 interview that they were going back to the basics with BD and to me, he did not lie. I do hear influences from the past and I'm proud that they're drawing influences from when they burned the brightest.
    I think that DIM is just a work of art that can't be done twice. Almost every time I see you talking about GazettE, DIM is thrown into the mix and I wonder if you (and other people) can't just analyze something without comparing it to something else that was done years ago when shit was more 'original' (what is even original anymore). It's okay to judge progress based on successive releases but when you just keep going back and comparing it to something that was done so long ago when GazettE was at their peak music wise, you'll never see the fact they're actually trying.
    How long are we going to compare to DIM. Every freaking thing gets compared to DIM. If GazettE releases an album in 2020 are we still going to compare it to DIM?
    I do kind of think that the quality of their taste has degraded over the years though.
    But anyway, since the intitial OMFG BeAuTiFuL DeFOrMiTy iS OuT craziness has faded, here is my track by track.
    ~Malformed Box~
    Woooo I love this. it's the only intro that has stuck in my mind since Infuse Into. I do agree with everyone else when it comes to how well it meshes with Inside Beast. It pretty much just bleeds into the song, I love it. Shows some good thought right there. How do you even rate intros? 9.5/10
    ~Inside Beast~ 
    I love the PV. I think it's supposed to be showing different sides to each member. Like one persona of Ruki is on a bed with a pipe and half crazy makeup and smiles on his face and the other persona is just walking around looking sexy.
    Not gonna get into an analysis of the PV though, moving on to the song.
    I don't like it. The intro is good in that it blends perfectly with Malformed Box but I don't really like the song. The little girls are cute but they annoy the frick outta me with their occasional 'give me your beast' or whatever they were saying. I have to admit though that the 'give me your ch-chick-ah was nice. >3<
    The best parts of the song were Kai's solos at 1:21-1:41 and the outro of the song. The rest is just meh. 5.5/10
    ~Until It Burns Out~
    Wooo scream at the start lol. Ruki really can't do harsh vocals that well but it works. I love the riffs at 1:42-1:59 overall the song has a nice pace but it's definitely not one of my favorites. I think Ruki's english pronunciation has gotten so much better like, he's been practicing! 6.5/10
    ~Devouring One another~
    You know this kind of reminds me of Toguro, the starting and the deep tone of Ruki's voice throughout. I love the subdued guitars in the background and I really do like Ruki's whispering/harsh speaking/singing in this. The songs progressively get cooler as you listen further, a build up, kind of. 7.5/10
    I do like this song, it's catchy. I hated the female vocals at the starting (still kind of do) but with continuous listening, they have grown on me. As I said the last time I commented on this song, the best part of it is the bass outro like dayum it still gives me goosebumps. 7.5/10
    IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS I LOVE THIS SONG AND I THINK ITS NICE AND DIFFERENT. It's upbeat and very smooth and I love Ruki's voice in this. It's one of those songs that are just lovely to sing to and it might not be that memorable but it'll definitely stick in the faves pile. Ruki's vocalizations as the song ends had me spazzing like I literally got emotional I love them and since he doesn't do those vocalizations very often I was so happy with this song. 8.5/10
    ~Last Heaven~
    Acoustic guitar in this ;A; someone hold me. It's a soft, smooth song as well, a nice ballad but it doesn't really leave that much of an impression. I would say again that Ruki's English is getting so much better. Lol when I remember Ruki's English in Taion and listen to him now I rofl. I'm glad he's practicing. There's a lighter layer of his voice that floated somewhere and I loved that. The solo at 3:50-4:13 had me squirming in my seat woo! 7.5/10
    I love the opening and the female Vocals in this h e l p. I fricken love the way he places the female vocals sometimes.Just makes me want to melt. Solo in this around 2:08 um there should have been more to that why wasn't their more to that. :l
    Abrupt ending, no but otherwise I like the song. 7/10
    ~Stupid Tiny Insect~
    Sounds like something that would fit well on disc 2 of Divsion but I like it though and although it has the really electronic intro for a while I feel like this is one of the major instances that they went -back-. Rolling of his r's. The scream/vomit parts. The way he says stupid tiny insect and the amped up cheering in the background. 7/10
    ~In Blossom~
    Yes I love this. Influences come out again woo. And the female harmonies sound like they're a bit layered at some point and I LOVE IT AHHH. Then there's Ruki's lighter vocalization around 2:00 onwards and I was just like o: I didn't expect that. 7.5/10
    BASS. INFLUENCESSSSSSS. Sounds like something fron Nil. If I had heard this and not known Beautiful Deformity was out I probably would have thought that it was an older song that I had missed somehow. Jesus the riffs at 2:03 onwards H  E   L   P. Overall the guitars are really good though. This song makes me nostalgic. 7/10
    YES. YES YES YES. LOVE HOW THIS STARTS OUT AND CONTINUES.Yo, from Redo to Malformed Box is my fave part of the album ok. So much energy in this song I just want to jump around. They really went back for this. 8/10
    ~To Dazzling Darkness~
    When I heard the preview I was blown away okay. I prayed to god the preview wasn't lying to me and it wasn't. People say the song is boring but I just think it's beautiful. The female vocals make me so emotional, jesus. And then the riffs from 2:04-2:23. The whole song has this melancholic feeling and I see Chizuru being thrown around somewhere lol no this does not resemble Chizuru. IDC MAN 10/10 I MASTURBATE TO THIS SONG OK.
    Here, To Dazzling darkness blends straight into Coda and I wish this wasn't just an outro, fuck, it sounds so good it could have been a lot more. It's beautiful and sad and I love the acoustic guitars and tHEN IT BUILDS UP AND THE FEMALE VOCALIZATIONS AND RUKI'S WHISPERING STARTS AND I LOSE MY SHIT IT IS MY SECOND FAVE TRACK OK.10/10 OK.
    Overall: I said I loved the album and I meant it. I see progress and I hope they continue. We all know they can do better (well can they anymore?). They have done better but I don't wanna stay hung up on the past. I hope they take a year off then come back and outdo BD. 7.5/10

  3. Lol half the time I think some of you people are just programmed to give sad reviews about GazettE's efforts but my say on the album:


    FRICK I love it. Toxic was okay. Division was good but frick I love Beautiful Deformity. I feel like they totally stepped up and I love hearing Ruki's voice without so much editing fuuuck.


    My favourite off the album would have to be To Dazzling Darkness. I think that song is organized so well and it starts off so beautifully and continues beautifully for the rest of the song. The female harmonies are hypnotizing and the riffs between 2:02 and 2:25 make me so emotional jfc. It's an amazing song.


    I also really love CODA and I really wish it wasn't just an outro. It could have been so much more.


    I feel like they really made an effort to go 'back to the basics' because I do hear influences from the past ;w;


    Track by Track soon ^^

  4. ^ You should have copied the source as well. [x]


    Just putting back what I said in the review section:


    I find Aoi composing Forbidden Beaver to be very strange since, I mean, he's the one who supposedly composed Shiroki Yuutsu, D.L.N & Bathroom and for him to compose such a disjointed song like Forbidden Beaver...e_e

    It's so weird....

  5. Oh, it is said that Ruki composed Fadeless, Uruha composed Quiet and Aoi composed Forbidden Beaver. [x]


    I find Aoi composing Forbidden Beaver to be very strange since, I mean, he's the one who supposedly composed Shiroki Yuutsu, D.L.N & Bathroom and for him to compose such a disjointed song like Forbidden Beaver...e_e

    It's so weird....

  6. ♦ Overall ♦ 



    Definitely not my favorite single, not even in the top 5. I have to say that this single is quite messy and although Ruki said that he was drawing ref from Stacked Rubbish I just feel like this was a Disc 1 leftover. Especially Quiet.




    ♦ Track by Track ♦




    I like it, it's nice to listen to but I can't really say much else about it. I love how Ruki's voice sounds and the rolling of the r's are cute xD but there's really no originality in this one. I had a little expectation when I heard the preview but the full song is just nothing spectacular. I do like the bass & drums closing at the end though, my fave part of the song. 


    As for the PV, it was really just them sitting around looking sexy and I do not have a problem with that lmao. They all look great and I think the whole concept of the PV (which is just some pretty /or 'high-fashion'/ stuff thrown around) is just Ruki being his artistic designer fashionista self ._.






    The song is pretty. I like the intro, it's gentle. And of course, Ruki's voice sounds great. Reminds me of 籠の蛹 and 影踏み off DIVISION's Disc 1. That little guitar solo between 2:34 and 2:55 is cute. I like the way the song fades out for some reason.




    Forbidden Beaver


    The whole song is tacky and messy. Every single bit of it, including the title. I don't really like the song very much, it just makes me laugh a lot. Every time he sings "She has a sex addiction" I pretty much pause the song and roll on the floor for a couple minutes. I think Ruki just wanted to make another sex song and threw some stuff he thought was kinky together. The song doesn't really have much coordination. I like the drumming though and the rifs in some parts of the song were cool like between 1:57 and 2:19.




    Ah, I'm waiting on the album~

  7. I definitely prefer Fadeless and Quiet over Forbidden Beaver with Quiet being the one I'm looking forward to the most. Nevertheless, I'm excited to hear the full stuff.


    And lol at Forbidden Beaver lyrics "she has a sex addiction" xDD

    It's basically just another My Devil On The Bed.

  8. I see no one shared the audio rip from Beat Shuffle. It's not the full song, 1:32.




    I reupped it since they asked for the link not to be c/p but credits go to Ruby from here.


    Personally, I think the female vocals should have paused at 0:24 and just let Ruki do his thing. They take away from the song for me. Either way, I like the song but it's on the level of just good and nothing spectacular. I'd have to hear the full song to decide properly of course.

  9. I'll probably get shot for this, but now that there's a thread for these I'm going to give it a try anyway.


    I simply do not understand people who claim they love MEJIBRAY for the vocals. That is mainly because in my ears the vocalist sounds awful. I know there are two kinds of awful, as in "I don't like the sound of his voice or the way he uses it but technically he can still sing" and then there's the "there are so many things wrong technically that it just sounds like shit" option. For me, MEJIBRAY's vocalist falls in the second category. His screams are awful, his regular vocals are weak and usually can't carry the music and he's out of tune about 99% of the time. Like I said, I'm probably going to get some angry replies to this but this is MY OPINION. I'm not stating it as fact, nor am I trying to shit on your favourite vocalist/band. I just can't listen to him.


    Sai I agree with you. Tsuzuku's voice is weak (has redeeming quality) but I DONT FUCKING KNOW how people can say they love Meji for the vocals and that Mejibray is better than GazettE. LOL NO, STOP. Arithmetica was right in saying that people publicly love Mejibray because they don't want to be seen liking GazettE.


    So many people think it's so cool to hate them bc their fans, their style changes, their label, whatever reason. The GazettE is a great band. A lot of people will disregard me bc I am a huge fan and everyone apparently hates GazeFans but it's so hypocritical to say you completely hate the GazettE after practically sobbing in joy and pissing yourself when one of their wannabes releases something new. Everyone can say that they hate what the GazettE is now and blah blah blah but do you REALLY EXPECT THEM TO STAY THE SAME? Look at Deathgaze. I love them but their sound is repetitive, they're safe since no one will hate what they produce but they will never move past the point they're at now unless they try newer things.


    The point of music is not to produce shit that everyone likes, it's to challenge the norm and do what you want and that is especially the point in VK. And you also have to produce your music with the mindset that people are buying it and if you want to actually sell and continue making music, it has to be what people will like.


    Idk what people expect to gain from hating on GazettE and their music as if they give a flying shit about your sorry asses. Everyone spends too much time hating on them to the point where it becomes some stupid obsession. If you don't like them fine. Dafuq you you need to let the world know for. Just go listen to your music. JFC.


    I like Mejibray but they would never compare to GazettE for me. They aren't even in my top 5 anymore. The GazettE are just better. There's a reason they're one of the most popular bands. There's nothing wrong with loving a popular band.


    And people in general hate on PSC bands too much. I don't like the company any more than anyone else does but sometimes people just need to shut up and leave them alone. They make good music, although  a couple of indie PSC's vo's are questionable.


    Imo this whole "I hate that because it's so mainstream" is becoming very mainstream right now.


    In the end though, I think that most bands will grow out of VK eventually. It's fun to start out as Visual kei but as your music improves and you reach new horizon's you'll want to change how you appear to others to become more marketable, it's all in the name of business. It's kind of sad seeing a VK band move out from vk into a more conservative style but as long as the music doesn't change to some Brittney Spears shit I don't give a rat's ass if they dress in rainbow T-Shirts and crocs.

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