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About NBT

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    Kiwamu's Bitch

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  1. Yeah indeed! The album is free to grab as well on their bandcamp, you can also choose to contribute any amount. https://cyranoi.bandcamp.com/album/exist
  2. NBT

    Bought both of Aimer's best of albums "blanc" and "noir"
  3. Cyranoi anyone? Same guy who mixed Unveil Raze's album mixed this album as well.
  4. LOL, literally the same reaction here! Especially with mamo sitting down.
  5. NBT

    It was probably the GazettE and some other mainstream PSC bands
  6. NBT

    Phatman's after school - Kako Genzai Mirai Shinko Kei amazarashi - Inochi ni Fusawashii the GazettE - TRACES VOL.2
  7. Classic meets modern electronic:
  8. So what are like your top 5 metal bands? To get some insight on what type of metal you like.
  9. NBT

    There will be a line for heresy members, vip and reg, but I don't know the priority of the queues. Last time fan club members went in first, iirc?
  10. Worldwide: https://vimeo.com/113052829
  11. Ooh, they smashed up their cd-covers into a single piece.
  12. NBT

    Personally, I never cared if a band sounded generic or not, at long as they sound good and some how stand out to me. I like the direction they're taking musically but prefer their older looks (which isn't really irrelevant). However, I didn't quite like the experimental stage which was around the release of "COLOR" and "Zecchou BANG!!", luckily they got out of that stage and recently released their best album/work (imo), "gravitation".
  13. NBT

    Cool beans
  14. NBT

    Are there any music sites you could recommend? (In English preferably) Thanks in advance!
  15. NBT

    Waited until the 29th before I listened to the album. I guess that we can all agree that this album included hellalot of hang banging parts, which means more aggresive lives and more intense too! Looking forward for another DVD release!
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