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Everything posted by greeeeen

  1. Indonesian here, fellow Homo Monochromiums. I've always known ficsci is Indonesian, yet somehow haven't been able to talk to her... eh. I actually tried to approach you by saying hi back on the old forum but you didn't reply my post, so. xD
  2. greeeeen

    After taking a nap. I seriously need to get rid of my bangs, duh.
  3. greeeeen

    It's me, all smiling.
  4. greeeeen

    With my friend, Fanny, before going to the venue where the competition is being held.
  5. greeeeen

    Hello. /o\
  6. greeeeen

    I like putting text-styled rainmeter skin.
  7. greeeeen

    I like your eyeliner. <3 A more recent photo of mine, taken earlier this noon. Weird face alert.
  8. greeeeen

    Nothing really special. Just a regular W7 appearance complemented with Rainmeter.
  9. greeeeen

    I. Can. Not. Wait.
  10. greeeeen

    Happy birthday, the best panda in the whole MH realm! Wishing you many good memories and a good year that is as special in every way as you are, Panda. <3 Have a blast!! <3 <3 <3
  11. greeeeen

    The Departed, for like, the XXth time already. Well... la-di-fuckin'-da.
  12. greeeeen

    I'm getting both impatient and pissed off at the same time.
  13. greeeeen

    Have fun with your vacation, style! And take care!
  14. greeeeen

    I'm tired. It's weird, as I recall I don't do anything much lately. I'm no longer active in any extracurricular clubs too. Mid-term exam is nearing, and I have yet to start studying. I just... I dunno.
  15. greeeeen

    Looper. Funny scenes, cool parts. The first half of the movie was pretty entertaining (although the whole idea about criminals sent from the future to get executed still seemed quite vague and Rian didn't bother to dig about it deeper; was it only because the big boss wanted to get rid of them without any other substantial reason, or simply to purge the world from the bad guys?), the story then shifted to a 'Rainmaker quest' and it all left me say "EH... What" because apparently it was all about a telekinetic farm kid.................. Bah. Overall, it's not that bad, but the way the movie dragged toward the ending was anticlimactic.
  16. greeeeen

    lol, you look good.
  17. greeeeen

    What. Whaaat. Whaaaaat. Really unexpected. Memoraphonica was really good, sad to see them disband. >.>
  18. greeeeen

    There will be no beach. There will only be books. Tons of books. I'm never big in reading textbooks. A heart. What is a heart.
  19. greeeeen

    I don't understand why I'm so excited with the fact that college will start tomorrow, knowing that it will only turn into 3 in just a few weeks. I've also thought about withdrawing from my intention in applying to the faculty's newly established international class. It'd most likely be a crapshot, duh. I had two subjects delivered in English last semester and both lecturers sucked arse (not to mention that one of the subjects was Telecommunication Network and only one senior student managed to get C; the rest was just D or E), so I can't quite name other lecturers with, at least, good English? The students who are enrolling in the program also mostly seem to be pretentious douchebags; I don't want to risk myself studying in such environment for the rest of my college years. Lastly, I will go to Tidung Island on 22nd and have a decent holiday for a couple of days with my mother and brother. BEEAAACCCHHH.
  20. greeeeen


    OP-OP-OP-OP OPPA IS GANGNAM STYLEEEE~. He reaches #1 on the US iTunes chart.
  21. greeeeen

    The Game of Thrones, S01E08.
  22. greeeeen

    The Expendables 2, yesterday with my mother. She was so stoked to see Stallone and Norris. Um, many say the movie's way better than the first, but since I don't watch it, well. It was entertaining, though.
  23. greeeeen

  24. greeeeen

    Hi there, cute girl.
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