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Posts posted by Heroin

  1. I don't know anyone that owns one. I heard its a waste of money. I have no details why, but if you have money, I say buy it. Sony wouldn't disappoint anyone ;')

    Even though its a waste of money xD

  2. my facebook newsfeed is filled with engagements, marriages, honey moons, bachelorette/bachelor parties, pregnancies and babies.... fuck I feel old...my co-worker is having her second child

    I am starting to get that too...lots of friends getting married and other friends having babies ON PURPOSE! ::mind blows up::

    Rather have those type of newsfeeds than confused teenage love, and some Pokemon memes sprinkled. Thank god I don't have idiot friends that deal with drama. Freakin retarted arguements with both people misspelling everything and adding "NIKKA" (nigga) in every sentence. So hilarious to read though!

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