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Posts posted by *りりこ*

  1. I am glad you called the topic "Lycaon European lives" because this is not an European tour. Anyway, I don't like them anymore after their musical change, so I wouldn't definitely travel for them. It's still nice to see not-so-famous vk bands going overseas, I hope more bands will do it in the future.

  2. To be honest, I think all these taxes are robbery. If someone buys an item that can't be bought inside the EU and buys it for themselves, not to earn money on it, they shouldn't pay any taxes and customs, because the idea of these is to protect the local business... but no one loses money on it if you wouldn't buy anything like this, because it isn't available here! It's just a way to take more money from people -____-

    I totally agree with you...

  3. dzkmQyPffNc

    This song is almost like the band is mocking it's foreign fans. I don't really think most SuG fans catch that with this song. (Seriously fans of most PSC bands are the most delusional.) The song is directly asking "Why don't you have more fun?" and "Do you hate the domestic?" and clearly quotes phrases and terms used by most weebees. Even the title. The whole song is almost like it's shouting "HEY. WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO THIS WHEN YOU COULD BE LISTENING TO MUSIC FROM YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND GOING OUT AND HAVING FUN AT REAL LIVE SHOWS AND ACTUALLY BE A PART OF SOMETHING INSTEAD OF OBSERVING FROM AFAR?" Ahahaha.

    This anti-globalisation concept is ridicolous in 2000s. Do they think we should like only things from our *native* country? They should thank overseas fans to support them by buying CDs and so on instead of mocking them. Thanks god I don't like them anymore since ages and not for this.

    Regarding fashion, many people here in Europe dress up visual kei just to show they are "true" fans and better than the other ones. I find it pretty stupid because everyone is free to choose how to dress despite the music they listen to... I personally wore VK fashion until I realised I didn't like it on me (2 years ago) and I am really proud now to wear gyaru/fashionable clothes which I really like on me and choose by myself.

  4. It seems a trend ww Still, I wonder how it will turn out!

    02.OZ - 「夢を信じて」(ドラゴンクエスト〜アベル伝説〜)

    05.DaizyStripper - 「創聖のアクエリオン」(創聖のアクエリオン)

    06.heidi. - 「DAYS」(交響詩篇エウレカセブン)

    08.摩天楼オペラ -「魂のルフラン」(新世紀エヴァンゲリオン)

    These are the ones I am more interested in. It's a pity there's no R-shitei covering...

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