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Status Updates posted by patientZERO

  1. Terrace House 2019-2020 has been canceled. I can't say I didn't see this coming and I honestly don't know how the show will come back after Hana's death. Why can't we just be nice to each other, or at the least, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Your words have consequences.

  2. Nothing quite like getting told you need to find a new place to live while you're furloughed during a pandemic ...

  3. I made an appointment to look at an apartment today on Friday, three days ago. I look at it today only to be told it's taken already ... when they're not open on the weekends. Why show a place if you're not truly going to offer it?!

  4. I FINALLY have internet back after having a massive wind storm blow it out FIVE DAMN DAYS AGO ...

  5. I just watched Kamen Rider Zero-One episode 43 and it takes place in the same warehouse that JILUKA shot their PV for Lluvia!!

  6. Holy hell I want this Maximum the Hormone water bottle.


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