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Scarlet Obsidian

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Everything posted by Scarlet Obsidian

  1. Yay!! Megaupload is back!! :D

    1. CAT5


      woah what!!??

    2. Yasupon


      Yeah, it is! wsp showed us in the minichat.

    3. ricchubunny


      the old links are back too?

  2. Scarlet Obsidian

    Wow, they're fast!! by the way, I'm looking forward to it!! GLOSTER was awesome!
  3. Scarlet Obsidian

    THE MICRO HEAD 4N'S - Hello My Clone
  4. Scarlet Obsidian

    Well, I firmly believe that there is life on other planets,because it's obviously impossible that ours is the only planet with life in this infinite universe and as someone already said, I wouldn't put them in the category "paranormal"... About ghosts/spirits/entities...I really don't know what to think...I like watching those programms in which they show paranormal activities in houses and stuff,but I'm not sure if they are real or not,even if some of the videos showing ghosts and stuff I saw they scared the hell out of me. I never experienced that kind of stuff you all said in the previous posts,but sometimes I have dejavus and premonitory dreams, though...
  5. Scarlet Obsidian

    Well, maybe the full song will be good...
  6. Scarlet Obsidian

    Sounds nice so far!
  7. Scarlet Obsidian

    Welcome to MH!! Enjoy your stay here! By the way, nice bands list!
  8. Scarlet Obsidian

    ^No problem!
  9. Scarlet Obsidian

    Today (or yesterday...I don't know) YOMI was a guest at a programm with Jun of GOLDEN BOMBER and the full PV of "ASSaulter" has been showed!! Now I can say that is a really cool song and I like the PV! And also today at Jack In The Box an audio preview of "Owaru sekai no hajimari wa kinari" has been played!! Here are the links, if you wanna check them out: ASSaulter PV: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwm3c5_nightmare-assaulter-pv_music#.UO1oR2L1SPh Owaru sekai no hajimari wa kinari Audio Preview: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwm7sb_nightmare-yyyyyyyyyyyyy-audio-preview_music#.UO2ciGemjSi Credits&Source: We Want a NIGHTMARE WORLD Tour on Facebook
  10. Scarlet Obsidian

    Nice tracklist! And I didn't expect to see "Beni sashi" on this! I really like that song!
  11. Scarlet Obsidian

    I'm not saying that the song isn't good,but imo it lacks of something...I don't why...I prefer mimic and Deus ex machina
  12. Scarlet Obsidian

    Never heard about them, but they're really nice! And "Con Te Partirò" is italian and means "With you I'll leave"
  13. Scarlet Obsidian

    Great news!! I hope it is good!!
  14. Scarlet Obsidian

    Yay!! Finally the tracklist and the preview came out!! The song (as I already said) is good,but to give a proper opinion I have to listen to the full song and also the full album...and the tracklist...I like the long japanese names too and also the other song names.
  15. Scarlet Obsidian

    Wreck-It Ralph A very nice animation movie!! You should watch it if you like old videogames
  16. Scarlet Obsidian

    Tear drop again... I would have a problem but SCREW's tear drop seems to be the best a-side i have heard from them since DEEP SIX and Sadie's tear drop is an exceptionally beautiful song so I have hopes for this one particular song from Royz...just because of the title. Me too, I'm hoping it is as beautiful as the ones of SCREW and Sadie,but imo the title has been used too much lately xD
  17. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hi and welcome back to MH!! I like your music taste and I too love playing Yugioh!!
  18. Scarlet Obsidian

    I'm so excited about it!! I can't wait but... Tear drop?? Again? Wasn't it enough with SCREW and Sadie??
  19. Scarlet Obsidian

    I heard it and it's a really nice song!! Now I'm waiting for a preview of "Owaru sekai no hajimari wa kinari"....and for the full PV of both and the full album!!
  20. Scarlet Obsidian

    I hope not!
  21. Scarlet Obsidian

    No, it is still unknown, but I hope they put it out on their OHP really soon....I can't wait!!! >.
  22. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hi! Welcome to the forum!! And your music taste are really nice!! Enjoy your stay here!
  23. Scarlet Obsidian


    Welcome to MH!! ^__^ Have a wonderful time in here!
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