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Scarlet Obsidian

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Everything posted by Scarlet Obsidian

  1. Scarlet Obsidian

    Has the username written in katakana
  2. Scarlet Obsidian

    Banned because it's nearly the end of the year
  3. Scarlet Obsidian

    Lol yeah I do xD no, seriously it is a nickname given me by a friend of mine who always calls me like that Do you believe in mystical creatures (any kind)?
  4. Scarlet Obsidian

    Banned because you speak russian whereas I just started and can say only a few things
  5. Scarlet Obsidian

    D - Hourglass
  6. Scarlet Obsidian

    Yes Do you like Game of Thrones (tv series)?
  7. Scarlet Obsidian

    Banned for having banned me
  8. Scarlet Obsidian

    I do that too, sometimes, you're not alone xD so yes! Do you like living in your city/town/village?
  9. Scarlet Obsidian

    ^yes, there is! I'm the one who created it xD we should totally talk on there from time to time
  10. Scarlet Obsidian

    A lizard (=tokage) and Grieva's first album
  11. Scarlet Obsidian

    Banned for the avatar
  12. Scarlet Obsidian

    ^wants to go on my fb account and write statuses about the uses of a rubber duck
  13. Scarlet Obsidian

    Yes Would you like to become a member of the government?
  14. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hi there, welcome to MH! I like a lot of bands you listed and...I'm Italian too! Enjoy your time in here
  15. Scarlet Obsidian

    ^is actually having sex with me right now
  16. Scarlet Obsidian

    ^always tries to hit me when I say "Good morning" XD
  17. Scarlet Obsidian

    Keep! Hanging out with friends?
  18. Scarlet Obsidian

    Banned for having Megamasso as signature
  19. Scarlet Obsidian

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like
  20. Sounds awesome!! Can't wait to hear more from them!
  21. Scarlet Obsidian

    Yay! Looking forward to it! *__*
  22. Scarlet Obsidian

    Sounds nice!! Can't wait for the full song
  23. Scarlet Obsidian

    NO! Let's hope they don't really disband!
  24. Scarlet Obsidian

    sounds nice, might keep an eye on him once he revealed the release
  25. Scarlet Obsidian

    Banned because there are 2 b's in your username xD
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