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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    OZ's complete album, the new game Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves - on steam, as well as 2 train tickets and a ton of beer.
  2. Thedane

    2 songs for the price of one, I still dig it! xD
  3. This better not be live limited, I really want it.
  4. Thedane

    3 songs for one song price? I dig that.
  5. Thedane

    Holy mother of god... I.. WANT this.
  6. Thedane

    Another one...!? Well, fingers crossed I'll be able to get that as well.
  7. Thedane

    It's sad to see them go, but at least they'll make sure we wont forget them (referring to their absolutely amazing complete album)
  8. Thedane

    I'll buy it the second I see it, provided it wont go live limited or anything obscure like that.
  9. Thedane

    God otogi looks horrible... luckily, the sound isn't affected by that, epic as usual.
  10. Thedane

    Actual yay!
  11. Thedane

    Welcome to monochrome heaven, please enjoy your stay ^^
  12. Thedane

    I... did not see this one coming at all, wow =D Re-release everything!
  13. Thedane

    I appear to be the only one hoping for aggressiveness and brutality, oh well <3
  14. Thedane

    Sweet jesus yes!
  15. Thedane

    I wish him a full recovery in a not too distant future.
  16. Thedane

    There's so long until the release... but I'll buy it, no doubt about it ^^
  17. Thedane

  18. Cannot... comprehend... the amounts... of fangasms... aghahgahgahgag! <3 *I'm digging this!*
  19. Thedane

    What I bought in the month of february.
  20. Wait what?? What is it with these guys and losing their drummer....
  21. Thedane

    They better not disband.
  22. Thedane

    Hmm... I'd forgotten about their existence :/
  23. Thedane

    That is the most horrible thing to want for a band, really. I'd rather see them disband, than ruining their name with that filth. Hopefully none of those things will happen.
  24. Thedane

    Alrighty then, I'm sold.
  25. Thedane

    As long as they'll release something, i wont complain, his voice is pure earcandy.
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