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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    Kazuya Tanizawa wants to be a zombie
  2. Thedane

    Rose of Sorrow is actually a raccoon, but that's a secret.
  3. Thedane

    Suzaku is in fact a secret agent, infiltrating McDonald to uncover their plot to take over the world.
  4. Thedane

    DistraughtK had a leading role in the movie E.T, as E.T
  5. Thedane

    Number Girl is copying wsp's watermelon hat trend.
  6. Thedane

    wsp likes to wear a watermelon as a hat.
  7. Thedane

    Kazuya Tanizawa told the truth
  8. Thedane

    Been single for... 9-10 months now, my previous relationship of 4 years ended in a not too pleasant way. Oh well. First time I've been single and old enough to, in theory, enjoy it... but I can't. I want the comfort of loving someone, while being loved in return. I want to make a girl feel special.
  9. Thedane

    You were born as a goldfish.
  10. Thedane

    I liked it, as expected, felt fresh for some reason ^^
  11. Reincarnated Really Hot People, wtf? I'm not reincarnated (as far as i know of) and I'm not hot... the heck is going on xD

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It used to be called "Really Hot People" before when it was Tainted World. Since we've moved to here, and basically restarted everything, it has 'Reincarnated' added to the title.

    2. Gaz


      i'm also want to be hot...

    3. Thedane


      It still doesn't explain why I'm added to that group... I find it doubtful that I meet the requirements :P

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  12. Thedane

    I live in Denmark, frozen land with customs from hell.
  13. Thedane

    I try to buy at least 3 items for a minimum, otherwise the shipping gets too much for me. But big batches I have to avoid, since anything with 5 CD's or more, gets automatically picked by customs, making the total cost of getting the CD's twice or more... I hate customs ._.
  14. Thedane

    Didn't expect this to happen, fingers crossed for a more available release (preferably mini-album or album)
  15. Well, it's become impossible for me to obtain it... sadly, it sounds like a pretty awesome song ^^
  16. Thedane

    Not a bad sounding band, I'll keep my ears on them.
  17. Why on earth would they ever release... tapes... ffs. Who's the targeted audience for tapes anyway?
  18. Thedane

    I was so excited when I read it, but I certainly hope he'll be fine, been waiting for their return for so long.
  19. Thedane

    Ordered it yesterday, but the samples sounds badass, can't wait for it to arrive =D
  20. Thedane

    By far I'm more drawn towards the 00's and forward. To me, the old-school bands all sound the same, but most of all, I don't get the appeal of them. Guess it's because I didn't jump on the vk wagon at that time, I seek out the bands that sounds like those I first stumbled upon.
  21. Thedane

    DEZERT, hell yeah! DIAURA, awesome! グリーヴァ, glorious! アヲイ, bring it! But on the same album as born and screw... just no, I wont own anything with them.
  22. Praying my order wont get caught in customs ._.

  23. Thedane

    Missed his voice, the songs sounded nice, although the recording could be better. Still awesome to see him back, I hope they'll release something soon ^^ (that's findable/buyable)
  24. Thedane

    I might actually buy this, amazing set-list!
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