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    ghost reacted to Zeus in BORN new mini album "THE STALIN-666-" release   
    I wasn't expecting felony to make an appearance at the end of the PV mashup.
  2. Like
    ghost reacted to bakteeri in BORN new mini album "THE STALIN-666-" release   
    Lol, "The Stalin-666-". How do they come up with these?
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    ghost reacted to TheBistroButcher666 in DIR EN GREY (U.S. / Canada) TOUR2013 GHOUL   
    See you at The Showbox.
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    ghost reacted to sai in the GazettE - BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY   
    Gaze i love you too but imma punch you back
    I'm not comparing this one to DIM at all. Where in my post did I say that? Just because I think this album is average that automatically means that I have this opinion because I compared it to DIM, and not for other reasons? I realized that if I do keep comparing everything to DIM I'm never going to be content (lol). People can actually dislike this album for other reasons than just "comparing it to DIM" and tbqh I'm starting to get a bit tired of the regular stan's argument of "OMG YOU CAN NEVER LOOK AT IT OBJECTIVELY BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS COMPARE EVERYTHING TO DIM". I see every album for what it is. Do you think I could ever enjoy BUCK-TICK's latest three albums if I constantly compared them to Kurutta Taiyou or DTD -style93-? Seriously, DTD shits all over both Yumemiru Uchuu and RAZZLE DAZZLE but I still think these songs are catchy and fun and well-executed. Is DTD better? Absolutely, no doubt it about it. Is RAZZLE DAZZLE therefore horrendous? No it's not. There are plenty of reasons why people dislike this album (as stated throughout the review thread) and you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that just because you like everything the GazettE does doesn't mean that everyone who dislikes it (or thinks it average, in my case) does that based on a very flimsy argument. You also have to realize people will ALWAYS compare, it's natural. Even if you don't like it, sorry (it may sound harsh) but you need to get over it. Also wow god forbid me that I mention DIM in a normal GazettE discussion because I actually really like that album (I didn't mention it in any GazettE thread for the last year so your argument fails on this part too).
    The problem with the effort is that not EVERYONE seems to have tried because be REALLY REALLY honest here...if you have to look at the individual members' progress, isn't one of the 5 sticking out like a sore thumb (in a negative sense)? As multiple people have already has stated, Ruki is currently the weakest link of the band because the instrumentals on this album are GOOD and do lots of different things. Uruha, Aoi, Reita and Kai are the only ones who actually shine on this album but I feel like Ruki just drags the whole thing down with either stale vocals or boring choruses.
    /anyway I'll quit now because this is off-topic and opinions differ blahblah so if you want to get back at me send me a PM though I doubt it's possible to change your mind on this
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    ghost reacted to CAT5 in the GazettE New Single, New DVD & New Album   
    all dem forbidden beavers
  6. Like
    ghost reacted to Zeus in Sadie - MADRIGAL de MARIA   
    Score: | *sigh*
    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the most obnoxious visual kei release this year.
    What makes Madrigal de Maria obnoxious?
    Unforgivably cheap imitations of Kyo (Dir en grey) wails, shrieks, screams, coos, and gutturals for no other reason than to have wails, shrieks, screams, coos, and gutturals.
      Inconsistency of instrument quality. Compare the piano from Demons Cradle to the piano in 斑-まだら- and to the piano in 優シク殺シテ. Toy piano much?
      Very tacky use of synthesizer in some places.
      Sections of songs are ripped straight out of other Dir en grey songs. 嘘にまみれた真実の底 emulates 艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み near the end. Demons Cradle's intro is reminiscent of THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB until all that MIDI garbage kicks in. 斑-まだら-'s is Vinushka x Different Sense from the backing growls during the first half of the chorus to the guitar solo right after the chorus to the gutturals lifting heavily from the Opethian passages of Vinushka. There are others scattered through the album too. I'm not one to rag on Sadie for their influences but it's so prevalent and badly incorporated that it universally detracts from my enjoyment of the album. If I really want to listen to Dir en grey, I'm just going to listen to Dir en grey, not Sadie's poor interpretation of it.
      Decadence. That song alone is bad enough to knock a star off the total score.
      A complete lack of conceptual execution. The overly Photoshopped, Cunning Killer 12012-esque album art could easily deceive a listener into expecting a brooding, darker, more mature album from Sadie. Right?


    Sure, the first three tracks sound like they at least made an attempt to be DUM SPIRO SPERO Diru on a budget, but then after Decadence they decided to throw all that out the window and progress with business as usual until the end. The sad thing is, I don't think that it was a bad decision at the end of the album. Those first three tracks should have been dropped.
      No sense of flow from song to song. I've got standard Dir en grey worship, electro rock, acoustic ballads, pop-rock and bluesy leads in the first eight tracks. I like experimentation but even within experimentation I expect consistency.
      A bottom-heavy tracklist forces you to get to track seven before you actually -meet- new Sadie. Anything remotely worth listening to comes after Viper. I actually wanted to like this album too, believe it or not, but this is almost everything I hate about Sadie encapsulated in one album. I despise how much I can separate actual Sadie from their influences because when they want to be original, they can devise some great songs. They just choose not to.
    I won't front completely because I do like a select few tracks from this album, which is the only reason why this album gets that second star.  Those tracks would be 斑-まだら-, Viper, 優シク殺シテ (somewhat), Face to Face, and 雪月花 (note how all of those tracks are at the end of the album). There's nothing as face-obliteratingly bad as BLACK STARS or GREEDY EMOTION, but everything else is not worth your time.
    Sadie, you were not ready to release this. Try releasing an album full of music independent of Dir en grey for once. Or for once just admit that you can't do metalcore and stick to lighter, frillier music because you really do do it so much better.
  7. Like
    ghost reacted to relentless in CDs/DVDs/etc. which you're extremely proud to own   
    An original press of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles on Vinyl.
  8. Like
    ghost reacted to Zeus in the GazettE - FADELESS   
    Score: | When mediocre is a step up for a band, you know they're in the corner
    FADELESS is the result of two flop albums backed by a hefty budget from a label that desperately wants something by this band to stick. It's a throwback to an older era for the sake of appealing to fans who don't like dial-up in their GazettE, and as such it gets caught up in retracing the footsteps of yesteryear instead of starting from square one. In short, it is exactly the song we've always wanted but never wanted realized. Now we have to take off our rose-tinted vision correcting glasses and contend with the fact that the GazettE were possibly always this mediocre with the occasional stroke of genius. I can enjoy FADELESS because it's exactly what Ruki said we would get: a 2013 STACKED RUBBISH clone complete with all the gimmicks. It still goes down better than anything on TOXIC or DIVISION, mostly because the rebranded alternative metal sound called "Gazerock" is safe at it's core and I know what I'm getting myself into when I indulge in my guilty pleasure.
    So why so low? Well, that would be the fault of the two other tracks on this release.
    QUIET is a waste of five minutes of your life, lacking the buildup of tension and emotion critical to a successful GazettE ballad. It meanders on aimlessly, going nowhere and accomplishing nothing. It's more contrived than Cassis, more subdued than Nakigahara, and feels like PLEDGE with all the interesting bits stripped out. It's the worst ballad they've ever done by a wide margin. FORBIDDEN BEAVER is a step down even from that. The lyrics are almost entirely in Ruki's slurred English about some raunchy, sexual subject that probably looked better on paper than it sounds on CD. I also caught a bit of DIVISION poking the tip in here and there, which makes the entire song sound confused because it doesn't know what it wants to pull influence from more. You can safely skip both of these songs.
    I'll just pretend that they're saving all the good songs for the album and they needed a single to generate the appropriate hype.
  9. Like
    ghost got a reaction from GazeRockSnob in the GazettE New Single, New DVD & New Album   
    Can anyone say "Quiet" and "Forbidden Beaver" previews???

    fadeless previews
    I see Quiet having amazing potential just as long as it's not another "Voiceless Fear" with an amazing intro and mediocre everything else.
    Forbidden Beaver sounds like it could be an exciting song, but from what I hear in the preview, sounds just typically GazettE.
    I'm most excited to see the PV for this release. :DDDDDDDDD
  10. Like
    ghost got a reaction from kodama-kun in the GazettE New Single, New DVD & New Album   
    Can anyone say "Quiet" and "Forbidden Beaver" previews???

    fadeless previews
    I see Quiet having amazing potential just as long as it's not another "Voiceless Fear" with an amazing intro and mediocre everything else.
    Forbidden Beaver sounds like it could be an exciting song, but from what I hear in the preview, sounds just typically GazettE.
    I'm most excited to see the PV for this release. :DDDDDDDDD
  11. Like
    ghost got a reaction from nullmoon in the GazettE New Single, New DVD & New Album   
    Holy pajamas I like what I hear and see.
  12. Like
    ghost reacted to Augie1995 in the GazettE New Single, New DVD & New Album   

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