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Everything posted by pinkmakona

  1. pinkmakona

    I haven't heard anything about them leaving the label. I thought Vallquar got signed to Virgin AIR entertainment too, and they aren't on the website either. I guess we will have to wait for more news about it. It might be an update thing though.
  2. No not me, i was born in England. I am what i am. I see no point in wasting time, wishing to be something you are not. Although Japan, it's culture and so on are interests i have. I am happy/content with enjoying these interests with myself and friends.
  3. pinkmakona

    I completely agree with this, poor Kousei. Some bad vocalists are: Rayka (in REALies) Takeru (SuG) Key (Braze A Trail) juju (▲eureka) Kazusa (Croix Chevalier) Saika (Dolce.)
  4. pinkmakona

    Nice! Hope it will be leaked onto the net.
  5. pinkmakona

    Lol, i also thought this band was still active too. Unless it was just Kaya left, and it is just a full band revival as Trombe put (complete band) in brackets. I am not sure. Nice news i guess.
  6. pinkmakona

    This is the biggest blow to the band, since it is Rumina who is leaving. It's a shame that Rumina and his bands never got recognized/signed in the scene. Without Rumina (and Ryo), i think they will struggle. I wonder if Rumina will revive Croix Chevalier now.
  7. pinkmakona

  8. pinkmakona

    Yes. I do have a feeling, Shyena will find new members though.
  9. pinkmakona

    You say you really like/love her a lot, have you told her that you do? I think you need to know where you stand here. You two basically need to discuss this, and tell each other your feelings now really. Especially because she is in a relationship. I personally would feel weird and awkward around a friend i slept with, but that is just me. You said she had a bf, and you two are having sex behind his back. Don't you feel bad about that? Or sorry, did you have sex when she didn't have a bf? You didn't make that clear. You seem to not be sure if she loves you. If she loved you, wanted to be with you, she would have dumped her bf and gone with you, but that doesn't always happen. However, i do think that she has developed some romantic feelings for you, but she hasn't admitted it. Since you two were intimate together and because of your friendship, you know and understand each other well, you have bonded. Also if she just thought of you as a friend, she wouldn't be jealous with you chatting up/meeting other people, why would she? She has a bf and you are a "friend", she would be happy that you might get a gf/bf right. That jealousy indicates that she probably does have romantic feelings for you. There is a reason why she isn't telling you. You will find out by asking her. The solution is to have a private conversation with her. Tell her how you feel and hear what she feels, and take it from there. Like i previously mentioned, i do think she has romantic feelings for you.
  10. pinkmakona

    Nice! I remember these guys and they were pretty good. Although i did like their name ANOTHER DIMENSION better. But oh well.
  11. Nice to hear, i have always enjoyed Juki's voice.
  12. He might come back since he just missed one live. We shall see.
  13. pinkmakona

    Well A'LETZA were nothing special or anything. But they are not shit, I have heard a lot worse in new VK. They only formed last December and released like 4 songs. They didn't really have time to improve/work on their sound.
  14. pinkmakona

    Oh. I had a soft spot for them, for some reason... No big surprise.
  15. pinkmakona

    Yes. Also it is cool to see a couple of the egoist members together again.
  16. pinkmakona

    Yeah they seem to be covering them songs. OMFG Hikari singing HEAVENS TERRITORY, i want to hear that lol.
  17. pinkmakona

    I remember them, they were great. Also #4 from STELLA MARIA, in the KISAKI session band, interesting.
  18. pinkmakona

    He was a pretty good drummer too, and one of the original members. I hope they find a new drummer, still i find it odd that he left.
  19. pinkmakona

    Oh this is really nice news! I liked Meties, will be buying the single.
  20. I liked the preview, refreshing. Also, MY RUKA.
  21. Yay! Looking forward to this. I have always loved all their releases.
  22. pinkmakona

    About the age thing. RINNE (ex. WITH SEXY), is in a Oshare Kei band, MILKY EMILY. He is in his 40's.
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