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Everything posted by freesia

  1. Sorry I don't have scanner, only took pictures of it. Saw myself in the picture of fans. xD
  2. freesia

    Poltergeist 2/5 This movie was more like a comedy to me. Not scary at all but funny at times. I know this was based on the old Poltergeist but in this new one, the ghost world just looked like an Insidious rip off.
  3. Do you mean translate the live report into Spanish or re-post to a Spanish website?
  4. Sadie's vocalist Mao will co-star as a fashion shop owner in BL movie "飴とキス (Ame to Kiss)". Mao's character is a gentle person who gives advice to the main character. Although this is Mao's first time being an actor, the director gave compliments to his acting. Ame to Kiss's DVD will be released on 2015/07/25 for 3980yen. https://www.facebook.com/amekissmovie
  5. freesia

    Cool! Now waiting to see the price of it so I know if I can afford.
  6. freesia

    The weather is hot and feels even hotter when I look at Reita.
  7. Almost 3pm, my friends and I arrived Hidden Agenda hesitating whether we found the right place or not since the livehouse is in a hard-to-notice industrial building. We noticed the door to the venue was opened with no one at all inside it because I guess they didn't expect fans to arrive this early. We went inside and noticed many band name logo stickers around the place so we confirmed we found the right place. Few minutes later, staffs came in, noticed us and told us to wait outside so we did. A while later, the elevator door opened again and more staffs went out. The band went along with them into the venue. My friends saw Shuu and Nii but I only noticed Ryo. All of them didn't wear make-up but I'm sure most fans aren't unfamiliar with their without make-up look. Ryo didn't look too different from the off-shoot videos on youtube. We waited by the stairs near the door of the venue since there weren't much space by the elevator doors, other fans who arrived later queued up at the stairs also. We waited for almost an hour but there weren't any other fans waiting yet. Shuu gave us a surprise by coming out of the venue door with his bass, nodded and said hello to us. I went like “Omg, it's Shuu!” to my friends and, stupidly, all of my friends and I only responded his greeting and totally forgot to ask for an autograph or picture! He walked around and then went back behind the venue doors. After a an hour and half or so, we started to hear the band rehearsing. They played Evolution , Kowarete Iku Sekai and a few songs I failed to stay to listen because some of my friends and I needed to go out to the streets and find a toilet. When we went out, the sound of their rehearsal could be heard loudly all over the street but it didn't matter since there weren't many people at the street. At 7:30, the staff opened the venue door and let us buy goods. I ended up buying a black t-shirt only. We went up to the front of the stage. My friends stood in front of the vocal position and I stood in front of the bassist position because it had the best view to Ryo. We all wore the t-shirts. After an hour, the band came to the stage on time and everyone yelled. Shuu stood closely in front of us because there weren't any blockages in between the stage and the audience. He touched our fingers when we reached up. They played a short intro then started off with Break Down. The crowd and I jumped, raised up fists, and headbanged, following by Drain and Voltage. Then it was MC time, Satoshi thanked us for coming. I couldn't remember much of what he said at that time. They played Incomplete, Not Found, Crazy-Flag, sunrise, Dirty Story, Resolution, Suiren, gravitation, driving time, Border, Another way, evolution, and Alone. Everyone didn't stop raising fists, jumping and headbanging to the music. My body and neck still hurts but it was worth the fun. Satoshi ordered us to form a circle pit in two songs, I looked back and saw they did. He told us to wave our towels in the air during one song. Ryo wiggle-danced at times and always smiled, it was adorable. Satoshi went up to the platform in front the stage and all of my friends who stood behind the platform grabbed and touched him. I didn't get to do that at that time but I managed the touch his arm during one song when he was close, it was all sweaty. Shuu shooed Nii away for some reason and it seemed funny. Then we yelled for encore after Alone, they came back to stage after a while. They played three songs for the encore and they were Zecchou BANG!!, Owari to Mirai and Kowarete Iku Sekai. I didn't expect them to play Kowarete Iku Sekai. It was one of my favorite songs from them so I am happy I got to hear it live. After the last encore song, they threw towels, water bottles, and picks to the audience. I wasn't lucky enough to get any. After the live, I gave my Stitch pocket fan gift for Ryo to a staff to hand it to him. My recent impression on the band was that Shuu was really nice. It was an awesome show for us and I hope for the band too! Girugamesh is so full of energy and their interaction with the audience is priceless. Setlist sticked on the floor of stage:
  8. Yeah, as the topic name wrote. Maybe under the reviews forum or somewhere? Would be cool to post live reports or read others that would make people feel like they went to that concert.
  9. Is there a forum where we can post live reports? Or we should just post them in the reviews forum?

    1. freesia


      Oh didn't notice that topic. It will be cool if we have a live reports forum though.

    2. paradoxal
    3. paradoxal


      Oh I just noticed you posted your live report there already XD

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  10. My progressed moon based on natal chart progressed from Leo to Virgo and I feel somewhat picky on people I know now, which I hadn't felt before the moon moved there. Few months ago when moon progression was in Leo was a period in which I felt confident.
  11. I don't know what to call the thing you insert into bones to connect fractured bones. Ryo called them "bolt" or "pipe" and I think he guessed. Anyone know? Edit: It's called surgical steel, not far from what I interpretated.
  12. Ryo said on his twitter that we don't have to worry about his cerebral hemorrhage, he fractured his arm and leg bones but he would have surgery for them inserting "surgical metal" into his shin tomorrow. Good luck on the recovery!
  13. freesia

    They are. And then I saw that my friends were all very excited about it so I tried to be excited, but I couldn't.
  14. freesia

    Wow, I've been always using the old slsk ns and realized they did lots of improvements on the program. can even search in japanese now, unlike before. cool.
  15. freesia

    I still get on sometimes but I didn't use it much, only when I had to download old western indies stuff which were hard to find on sites but lots in slsk.
  16. freesia

    So not really a last show right? Just the last show of their tour
  17. freesia

    What does it mean that the Budoukan is their first and last show? It makes me worried...
  18. freesia

    sounds pretty generic, same old NB
  19. freesia

    Does anybody know what Ai is up to now?
  20. freesia

    Thank you! It was simple eyeline >///<
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