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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. Versailles has an interesting fan base. They're at the point in which they're going to get shit about absolutely anything they do: if a release sounds too close to another song they'll get people bitching about how everything is interchangeable. If they try something new, people jump-ship, burn their old cds, "It's because dey major!!!" "If only Jasmine were here to save us" for forever after.

    Lol, you said it. Versailles could release the most epic fucking song and people would still complain, "guh, too overproduced" or "How insensitive to release more songs after Jasmine You's death. They should have just disbanded!" or something else.

    As for the single, definitely not my favorite release but for me, there was at least something to like about every song, which is all I really ask for.

    Philia: Really like the riff from like 20 seconds-30 seconds, love the solos (that lead back into that nice intro riff), love the ending section. Don't really like the part where Kamijo is almost acapella-ish except for the harp or whatever? Solid track. 8.5ish/10

    Judicial Noir: The intro actually did remind me of Noble era stuff like SUZERAIN, but whatever, there's no pleasing fans anymore... Great solo section. I will agree that Kamijo's vox on this track are at times a bit iffy. Overall, some of the instrumentals are a bit filler-ish. Also lol at Kamijo's english at the end, haha. 7.5/10

    Desert Apple: I really appreciate that Hizaki was experimenting on this one, since he has a very signature sound (and he has a tendency to be "safe" and stick to this sound). Nice general melody in the middle section, but the song overall is a bit messily put together. Yes, this is coming from a Love from a Dead Orchestra and God Palace fan, so I'm not opposed to lots of different movements, but I think this one could have been put together better. STILL, kudos for being outside of the Versailles comfort zone. 7.5/10

    Overall: 8/10

    I know they can do better, but it was a pretty good release.

  2. From last.fm:

    Rebecca Black is a flawless and angelic singer of undeniable talent for Ark Music Factory


    She performs inspirational songs dealing with personal struggles, such as picking the front seat or back seat.

    Lol, Herpes, i thought for sure you would have been the author of that.

    And goddamn, these lyrics are genius.

    Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday

    Today i-is Friday, Friday

    We-we-we so excited

    We so excited

    We gonna have a ball today

    Tomorrow is Saturday

    And Sunday comes after … wards

    Even better than Insane Clown Posse's Miracles!

  3. 10 Movies I Wish I Could Unsee:

    7. The Hangover (The most un-funny "comedy" ever.)

    Maiku, I didn't know anyone else agreed with me! You're the only other person I've encountered that doesn't praise this film to the high heavens! God bless you, chil'!!

    But seriously, can't stand Bradley Cooper. Get out.

    Also, pertaining to the list. I don't necessarily want to "unsee" Antichrist as a whole, but watching Charlotte Gainsbourg snip her... "goods" was pretty excessive.

  4. Rapping in rock/ metal.

    From what I've heard, it has never successfully worked.

    Plus, Asian ENGRISH rapping is that much more irritating to me.

    Besides that, all the ridiculous "cores". Crunkcore, trancecore... Just stop it!

  5. I was just listening to them yesterday. Their guitar-style/ atmosphere is one of the best things I've heard in a while. I need to get into the vocals more, because they're a bit weird for me. If I can acquire a taste for his vocals, then I know I'll really start to enjoy this band. Cool stuff!

  6. I'm surprised there wasn't a topic already!!! Anyway, Shiina Ringo is an undoubtedly talented singer/musician known for her distinct voice and music that seamlessly incorporates countless genres into a creative, yet highly accessible mix. Since around 2003, she has also participated in the band, Tokyo Jihen. The band is known for a more jazz-influenced rock sound.

    I know there's plenty of fans here so:

    -Discuss the awesomeness that is Shiina Ringo (椎名林檎) and Tokyo Jihen (東京事変).

    -Post some of your favorite songs!

    -List your favorite albums!

    My Shiina Ringo favorites:








    That kinda sums up my taste for her. I personally LOVE the extravagant jazz-orchestra stuff on Heisei Fuuzoku, so that's probably my favorite album. The mega-popular KZK and the not-as-popular Sanmon Gossip (minus the rapping!) are tied for second place. I thoroughly enjoy her more rock-oriented first and second albums too, but they haven't hit me as hard as the other three.


    I'm still getting into Tokyo Jihen so I'm not sure what my favorites are, yet. Here's some songs that I really like so far:









    女の子は誰でも (greatest PV ever, btw)


  7. -soft, usually higher pitched male vocals

    -soulful female vocals

    -interesting, complex rhythms in catchy/accessible music

    -neo classical, pseudo "gothic" / VK stuff

    -also the carnival thing

    -bossa nova guitar

    -melodic, speedy, arpeggio-y riffs

    -"full" sounding drums

    -super high production value orchestration

    -spacey synths

    -piano as an intricate background instrument, not just chords (see: foxy shazam/ strawberry song orchestra)

    -shibuya kei

    -gang vocals

    -chaotic/grating, yet highly listenable (a la The Piass)

    fun topic!

  8. However, I would like to hear Chemical Pictures explaining the difference between a "Maxi Single" and a "Mini Album".

    When releasing those 5 "Maxi Singles" during 2010 which got 4 new tracks on each single.

    Now they releasing a "Mini Album" which is including 5 tracks and 3 of them are new tracks and 2 is re-arranged versions of old songs?

    Personally I think this new CD should also be a "Maxi Single"?? Otherwise, those 5 "Singles" from 2010 should in fact be 5 "Mini Albums"?

    Welcome to visual kei. They seem to be all about these specific marketing schemes. They could throw another song and two "SE's" on here and potentially get away with calling it a "full album".

    It's silly!

  9. It has a nice "indie rock" feel to it at times, but I really wish Aicle wouldn't stay content with these safe pop-rock songs. What made them stand out in the beginning was their weirdness/craziness MIXED with the pop.

    The song isn't bad at all, but it's not what I consider true Aicle.

  10. Whut? I already thought they were a "formal" band, haha. You scared me there for a minute Trombe, with the "last live" stuff.

    Jeez, VK bands are so weird with these kinds of things.

    Anyway, good for them. Maybe now they'll start to release at a faster rate than 5 songs/ 2 years.

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