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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. Lol, I won't flame you.

    I think it's ridiculous too. But it's not necessarily limited to VK and "J-rock" (okay, maybe the saying "kawaii"/ "sugoi" stuff is), but the controlling how one dresses seems to be like that for many sub-cultures. It's fine if that's how people want to express themselves, I'm not here to judge. It's when people start saying "I'm just being myself/ being unique" etc, that I just roll my eyes. But again, this aspect isn't limited to VK in my opinion. Just look at how all the trendy hipsters look the same. Scarf, colorful sunglasses, plaid shirt, how unique!!!

    I think I'm a fairly "normal" guy and the music I listen to doesn't dictate who my friends are, what clothes I wear, or gawd forbid, the way I talk!

  2. Lol, another "name change".

    Good lawd, someone else is already named Nega??

    I smell a unicode NEGA last.fm page in the works...

    But seriously, abase is the only song I've ever moderately enjoyed from them. I hate Jin, but the music was interesting imo. Need more of this style nega.

  3. Not to mention the castle used in Psycho le cemu's PV


    i've seen it like 5 times, though can only remember that instance lol.

    I wrote a last.fm journal about this a few years ago. At that time it had already been used in 2 Psycho le Cemu PVS (Michi no sora & Excalibur) and 2 Dio PVs (God Forsaken and Last Dance) - see the journal for screenshots or look them up on youtube.

    Since then it was also used in Versailles' Aristocrats Symphony PV and a Megaromania PV:



    That makes it 6. What do I win? :hyper:

    Champ, I present to you:


    You also win access to this link. Print it out, build it, and it's yours!

  4. At least 5, no wait, 6, no wait 8, no wait 9, no wait 10 visual kei PV's have used this same location. I'm sure there are/ will be more.

    Please be on the lookout for any other videos shot here!

    Diement - Right Here
    Gadeath Symphonia - Orgel

    ミサルカ (misaruka) -?Merrow-Sin-
    Tu[ism] - 桜散る頃に
    Metry - ray not disappear,,,
    JokArt au Legal -?カーテンコール
    cocklobin - grisailles
    Scarlet Valse - Secret Eden
    SINCREA - Xmas day
    ZUCK - ミカヅキ

    PV links here:


    Also, at least 2 band photoshoots here (surely, there's more):


  5. Apparently they've already got two more releases planned!


    Concept Single「メルシールーe.p.」



    1. メルシールー

    2. ビーサイド

    3. ランデブー

    4. カロン (中島真一 from SEKAI NO OWARI remix)



    1st Full Album「ex Negoto」


    Includes 12 tracks

    Gah, I haven't even been able to listen to my copy of Charon yet! But excited!

  6. Nemesis (네미시스)

    Nemesis is a Korean rock band. Jigsaw9 originally introduced them to me in the thread where I was searching for "light, romantic VK"-type music in other countries. As of right now, this band wins. Their style is generally soft. Sometimes melancholic, but always dramatic, they have lots of orchestration and piano, which really kicks the pants off of some VK bands (Matenrou Opera comes to mind; guh, their cheesy keyboards!). They also have pleasant moments with a nice neo-classical sound or impressive guitar solos. What really separates them from their VK contemporaries is a pretty non-visual appearance and GREAT vocals, haha. Now I realize there's the exception every now and then, but VK doesn't really pride itself on technically great vocals. OMG, TETSU FROM MALICE MIZER IS SO EMOTIONAL THOUGH!

    I've listened to their two albums, La Rose de Versailles (2005) and Lovesick (2009) and I highly approve of both! Both albums have one track that doesn't exactly live up to the band's sound ("Quean" and "Break Up" respectively), but the other tracks more than make up for them.

    Please check this band out!

    Samples from La Rose de Versailles:

    Samples from Lovesick:

  7. As much as I hate this multi-type crap, PV's aren't usually a big selling point for me, since I'll watch it 2 or 3 times and never touch it again. Now if they had lives on limited edition and then all the poster/booklet stuff on the deluxe edition?? Then I would have a dilemma, haha.

    But as it stands:

    2 new PVs

    I just thank Juses that at least the CD's have the same tracks. If they start pulling that 1 extra song on each type crap for the next album, I'll punch Warner in the nuts.

  8. Everyone make sure to check out the b-sides from the 19 era as well.

    They are pretty overlooked! Painting Pictures is really different, compared to her first album stuff. And her take on Etta James, just awesome.

    (from the Cold Shoulder single)

    (from the Make You Feel My Love single)

    Fool That I Am (Etta James cover, from the Hometown Glory single)

    (Sam Cooke cover, from the Chasing Pavements single)

    and be sure to find her version of the Raconteurs "Many Shades of Black"! (I'm in Germany and can't find a working youtube link for it!!)

  9. @Des: Don't worry, she's not just about the singles.

    I actually loved 19! But 21 is great too! I'm really not sure which one I like better (such a hard life, choosing between the better of two masterpieces!)

    Either way, Adele has solidified herself in my top-tier of favorite artists!

    I love her voice. Despite their technical talent, vocalists like Beyonce and Christina Aguilera just don't do it for me, for whatever reason. Adele does!

    Plus, she has MORE than proven herself live. Just watch any live video and she just as good, if not even better than the CD's. She's not just a studio artist.

    I also really admire what I've seen of her in interviews and stuff. She seems very "down-to-earth" and humble and her laugh is really great. It always puts a smile on my face!

    Anyway...!Song favorites! :staru:

    From the 19 era:

    Chasing Pavements


    My Same

    Painting Pictures (from Make You Feel My Love single)

    From 21:

    Turning Tables

    Rolling in the Deep

    Set Fire to the Rain (hey, it's popular, but it's awesome!)

    Take it All

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