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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. Um, does anyone know anything about CDBanq or bought anything? The prices seemed decent, but I wanted to know if they were even reputable. I am really paranoid about getting bootlegs. . .


    I'd like to second this question, since I saw some stuff there I was interested in. Has anyone used CDBanq before?

  2. Wait, can you explain that last one?

    (I'm bad at these, but I'm really not understanding "12012" from the pictures)

    Sure, no problem ;) The clue is that you have to combine the three words derived from the pictures and then use logic to find the band. In this case, 12012 is not only a band name, but also the number for the law that describes the rules and regulations to firearms in the state of California. The first picture therefore is one of the state of California, the second one is the gun, which the law is about and the woman in the last picture is Lady Justice, who represents the law. California + gun + law = law no. 12012 --> 12012. It's also on their wiki that they named theirselves after this law.

    Doh! I figured all that out. I just didn't know the law number, haha. Thanks sai.



    I'm going to guess... Bug Lug?

  3. Wow, youtube does not like Negoto, haha. It seems almost all of the videos I linked have been removed for copyright reasons.

    In other news, my friend Byudie informed me that Negoto will be providing a new opening song to Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, entitled "sharp ♯". I haven't found any previews yet, but I'll be on the lookout.

  4. To be honest, I haven't heard anything extraordinarily crappy or anything that disappointed me too much.

    Pretty much this. I'll agree the Versailles album was "disappointing," mostly because they were one of my favorite bands, but I still enjoyed quite a few tracks and revisit them every now and then. I can't really call it one of the worst albums of 2011.

    Hmm... Other than that, I suppose the Royz and Administrator albums were extremely meh? I listened to each only once and they made absolutely no impression so I deleted them.

    And that's the issue I'm having with this. Anything that was particularly crappy or just meh, I probably already removed from my harddrive and my mind, haha.

  5. -T-shirt from one of my favorite movies, Heathers

    -Tons of Japanese CDs (some still haven't come in the mail yet; I'll upload some stuff over the next few days!)

    -Giorgio de Chirico and Tamara Lempicka artbooks

    -Portal 2

    -new computer chair

    -Adele live DVD (shared with my sister as well, hehe)

    Christmas presents part 2 will happen in a few hours at my aunt's house


    I am currently Rudolph:


    I don't know if they did this last time, but they special avatars for each level now, not just the first tier.

    AKA, if you have 1000-9999 points, you get to be a gingerbread man or a pink bunny guy (presumably Ralphie from A Christmas Story?)

  7. Thanks for your assurance everyone. My super slow SAL package arrived last week, so right under two months. No sign of customs ransacking it though... Oh well!

    Anyway, next question.

    Has anyone ordered from Disk Union before? Do they have overseas shipping?


    Though I listen to quite a few visual kei bands, I rarely give a hoot about their appearances. This is mostly because even though VK bands' looks are supposed to be so "unique," many groups really do look very similar. However, there are a few musicians I applaud for creating a signature look in the sea of generic-ness. Even if they don't often change their appearance too much, they have created something very easily identifiable as their own.

    Post your favorite signature looks! It doesn't matter if they're from from strictly "visual kei" bands or from bands with a general visual aspect. Don't feel too limited to the bigger bands. Indie band members can have easily identifiable looks as well. I'll start with a few of my favorites.
    Hizaki (Hizaki Grace Project/ Versailles)
    Definitely popularized a new VK "archetype." I think Hizaki is probably this generation's Mana, in terms of the number of people who are convinced that he's actually a girl. Plus, you know he's made it when Hizaki-copycats pop up every now and then (ACTWEED, YOHIO, and Dear L'novel are a few that I can think of right now)

    Takemasa (Kiryu)
    The first image here of Takemasa might be my favorite VK look ever. He tends to be a bit "samey" in most of his looks (bright teal hair, cloth over his face, ridiculously decadent kimono and hairpiece), but he's definitely found a unique style. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies here.

    Hirata Panda (THE BOHEMIANS)
    Not from a visual kei band, but Hirata Panda has a highly signature look. From the dark eye makeup (get it, "Panda"?), to the hats, and most importantly, some form of bright red jacket, you can definitely spot him from a mile away. Plus, he's taking cues from the U.K. indie groups, so he's got some of that arrogant swagger to top it off.

    Shiina Mio (Canzel/ UNiTE.)
    Shiina Mio is actually a pretty goofy looking guy without makeup (like many of these guys I'm sure), but he's definitely managed to create a signature look with the glasses, hair, and more recently the "scarfs" he wears over his chin, haha.

    Takayuki (THE PIASS)
    THE PIASS is somehow still around since the 90's, but Takayuki is the only remaining original member (he must be pretty old by now!) Either photoshop is treating him well or he still looks fairly young, because he still looks pretty good! A definite signature look I'd say, with all the red EVERYWHERE, the calculatedly haphazard outfits and the perfectly messy hair.

    Shion (Rubik)
    Shion has managed to create a weird signature look, whether through his fake horns, weird contact lenses, his "fangs," etc. He looks a bit silly sometimes, but I give him points for his ambition, haha.

    Kei (Eliphas Levi)
    Kei had one of my favorites looks of the kote-kei times. Let's face it, even back then, many bands had very similar looks (though a very different kind of "similar" than today), but Kei always stuck out, with his red hair and rose-bonnet thing (that is considered a bonnet, right?)

  9. They just had a little live ustream event.

    They played 3 songs (I believe "Astrism," "Under the mind," and possibly 蛍光).

    Then stopped and chatted about the CD release, a PV release called "Rubik color" (which appears to have been filmed in the same place as Hizaki grace project's "Philosopher") and other stuff. Then they played a final track, probably "I think". Most of the songs had a heavier sound than their more recent singles.

    Looking forward to getting my CD's!

    You did record this, right? :D I didn't even know this was happening or I would have watched it as well x_x

    :arg: Sorry, boo.

    I just found out when I randomly check Kei's blog this morning and he had the link.

    I wouldn't begin to know how to record anyway, haha.

    As I said, I wish their website would keep us updated better!

    (There's not even a discography section, ugh)

  10. They just had a little live ustream event.

    They played 3 songs (I believe "Astrism," "Under the mind," and possibly 蛍光).

    Then stopped and chatted about the CD release, a PV release called "Rubik color" (which appears to have been filmed in the same place as Hizaki grace project's "Philosopher") and other stuff. Then they played a final track, probably "I think". Most of the songs had a heavier sound than their more recent singles.

    Looking forward to getting my CD's!

  11. ユナイト: STARTiNG OVER'S

    I rated this a 9/10. Wonderful pop-rock (fuck "oshare kei"), with heavy bits and technical guitar parts throughout. Overall, a very solid debut album. You actually listened to "starting over" on TT and said it was "quite listenable," haha.

    己龍 (Kiryu): 夢幻鳳影 album or 叫声 single

    Creative band with a very crazy, "japanese" signature sound. Mahiro's vocals are usually the biggest turnoff for people, but he's one of those "not the best singer, but excellent vocalist" types. I think he really works with what he has well and it goes nicely with the weird music. He even won me over with a more "normal" track, 叫声, but the b-sides have more weirdness.

    ジミニークリケット (Jiminy Cricket): 色の無い向日葵

    Just a tiny maxi single, but these guys are very much influenced by Moran, if that helps.

    I honestly don't find "A" to be so amazing, other than their great violinist. Guitar-wise, they don't really cut it for me. But I will say, I enjoyed the song "Viva la casta!" despite it ripping Jikkendai Marmot's style.

    I realized making this list, that I discovered more old bands this year than actual new stuff, haha.

  12. "チーム優恵ww(team yue ww)" SET-LIST at 2011/12/07:

    01.ロマンス戦記(romance senki) (AILE)

    Why would he ruin a good song with his vocals T.T I like AILE idgaf

    I agree. I never liked AILE much overall (couple d'ange, yes!), but this was a great song!

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