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Wicked Teletubby

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Posts posted by Wicked Teletubby

  1. jerkitz @ livejournal.com went to the show and had this to say,

    'Kyos performance was perfect! His voice is really good again and he hit all the notes (there was a little problem while DIFFERENT SENSE but it was..."okay")

    it seemed like he had fun... in the end I saw him smiling :)'

  2. here we go.

    10/10 【東京都】SHIBUYA-AX -「a knot」LIMITED-

    01. 狂骨の鳴り


    03. 流転の塔

    04. OBSCURE

    05. 滴る朦朧

    06. 蜜と唾

    07. DIABOLOS


    08. 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨


    10. 獣慾


    11. Audience KILLER LOOP

    12. BUGABOO

    13. HYDRA -666-

    14. GRIEF

    15. 冷血なりせば


    16. VANITAS

    17. 秒「」深 (New Ver.)

    18. 羅刹国

    19. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇

    edited: they did NOT play Rinkaku, instead they did some new version of Byou[]Shin.

    all in all, it was a three track premiere day.

    edited again: this performance will be released on an [a knot] only DVD some time in the future.

  3. so as a part of a little tradition I've started here around a year ago or so I keep tracking DIR EN GREY tour and event setlists with some interesting details. TOUR2012 IN SITU will be no different. I believe some of you guys would be interested in this. the tour starts tomorrow. keep checking this thread for updates and details on the matter and comment if you wish.

    TOUR2012 IN SITU

    10/10 【東京都】SHIBUYA-AX -「a knot」LIMITED-

    10/16 【宮城県】仙台サンプラザホール

    10/18 【北海道】Zepp Sapporo

    10/23 【京都府】KBSホール

    10/24 【京都府】KBSホール

    11/03 【岡山県】倉敷市芸文館

    11/04 【岡山県】倉敷市芸文館

    11/06 【福岡県】Zepp Fukuoka

    11/14 【愛知県】Zepp Nagoya

    11/16 【愛知県】Zepp Nagoya

    11/20 【神奈川県】横浜BLITZ -「a knot」 & ONLINE only-

    11/21 【神奈川県】横浜BLITZ -「a knot」 & ONLINE only-

    11/26 【大阪府】なんばHatch

    11/28 【大阪府】なんばHatch

    12/04 【東京都】新木場STUDIO COAST

    12/06 【東京都】新木場STUDIO COAST

    12/25 【東京都】東京国際フォーラム・ホールA

    LOUD PARK 12

    10/27 [埼玉県] さいたまスーパーアリーナ

    Rockin'on Presents COUNTDOWN JAPAN 12/13

    12/31【千葉県】幕張メッセ国際展示場 1 ~8ホール、イベントホール

    TOUR2013 IN SITU -The Depiction Of Reality-

    01/26 【愛知県】Zepp Nagoya -「a knot」 & ONLINE only-

    01/27 【大阪府】堂島リバーフォーラム -「a knot」 & ONLINE only-


    02/01 【東京都】新木場STUDIO COAST -「a knot」 & ONLINE only-

    edit: I seriously think they'll play Rinkaku so I guess I'll report on how it sounds all in all.

    update 1: two additional Tokyo dates have been added to the list today.

    update 2: one more additional tourdate has been added.

    update 3: even more additional tourdates have been added.

    update 4: STUDIO COAST 10th anniversary date has been added.

  4. but of course. Denver wasn't even a reason for Anette to leave.

    some issues were up for awhile at the time.

    this includes health and Anette's family back in Sweden.

    and of course Anette wasn't fired like Tarja was back in 2005.

    it was a split for the good of both sides.

  5. actually I guess I don't.

    at the moment I can't even remember where did read this but I seriously don't think I dreamed it.

    I am not insane, am I?

    anyways, I feel like I have to apologize in case I made you guys think wrong.

    I'll seek for any sources saying that Floor Jansen isn't joining the band full time.

  6. I don't know if this is allowed here or you D'ERLANGER fans are aware of this tiny piece of news, but what the hell.

    like a week ago on a BUCK-TICK FEST during D'ERLANGER set, CIPHER announced that they had a special guest on the stage and welcomed DIR EN GREY guitarist Die. Die happens to be a big fan of D'ERLANGER whom he calls his all-time favorite band. he played a solo for LA VIE EN ROSE and then played a whole song, ICONOCLASM.

  7. so with the show at Desert Uprising Festival in Phoenix, AZ the band has started the Twins Of Evil Tour co-headlined with Rob Zombie.

    setlist was somewhat disappointing as I hoped for some surprises.

    Hey, Cruel World...

    Disposable Teens

    The Love Song

    No Reflection


    The Dope Show


    Rock Is Dead

    Personal Jesus


    Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)

    King Kill 33° Intro / Antichrist Superstar

    The Beautiful People


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