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Everything posted by Yasupon

  1. Yasupon

    LINCS is above average
  2. Yasupon

    That's amazing. The idea of hearing your own voice is kind of ironic though.
  3. Interesting. So it's controlled by the brain huh
  4. Yasupon

    Hell yes.
  5. Yasupon

    I of course listen to some C-Pop but I'd be gladly willing to try out more artists. I will definitely try those bands sugibo listed.
  6. Yasupon

    ポルターガイスト - 自○部屋
  7. Very nice! I can't believe you've only been singing for 2 years. For that short amount of time you're very good and you will surely only get better and better. Very excited to hear more from you in the future.
  8. Yasupon

    Just made one today, and have no followers D: http://yasucheesecakes.tumblr.com/ But I will definitely follow you guys
  9. Yasupon

    wow, that's one of my fav songs from them.
  10. Yasupon

    Piranha 3D!
  11. Yasupon

    Enjoy your stay! I'll add you on last.fm
  12. Yasupon

    Yeah the stipulations can be really annoying; it's worth it though obvs.
  13. Yasupon

    Wow I see they're quite unknown, never heard of RailTracer. They're really good though!
  14. Definitely looking forward to this band. Also, I find Ayumu to be very underrated, love his voice but haven't seen him given much credit.
  15. Yasupon

  16. Yasupon

    Love Un=(XAG)
  17. I'm sorry, I don't have these... yet, but I'd like to say though in case this helps that you can request CD's on JAPAN Discoveries. I requested a really rare single and they actually had it.
  18. Yasupon

    What a great thread.
  19. Yasupon

    This band is... in my opinion, kind of boring. I can't judge completely yet though. I had high hopes for them. I need to hear longer previews.
  20. Yasupon

    English or Romaji please http://www.delacroix260.com/pc_index.html
  21. Yasupon

    I was thinking he was just on a short hiatus, if this is supposed to be permanent then I am deeply saddened.
  22. Yasupon

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