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Everything posted by Yasupon

  1. lol Steve Harvey... always with the hilarious reactions.
  2. Yasupon

    @Arithmetica That is the most ridiculous shit ever. I never really liked the idea behind those pop idol groups too much.. most of them just seem really cheesey to me and nothing all that special, although I do like a few songs by some of them. Also, it's no surprise that their fanbase is creepy. Even on youtube when you click statistics on a Berryz Kobo video; most of the viewers are middle age men and teenage fangirls.
  3. Yasupon

    朱 - 曲ガル睡蓮`駆ケル
  4. Yasupon

    This, except a little more expensive. They break really fast because I like to listen to music loud. They also tangle up but I think the former is the reason for them breaking all the time. Now I'm stuck with a brand of ear buds that not only break easily, but produce the WORST sound quality imaginable. The company/brand is JVC, the model IDK. I really wanted to try the Sennheiser HD800 because I've heard that it has outstanding sound quality, but it's also ridiculously expensive so I definitely won't have one anytime soon.
  5. I liked him in SectMa and Medue'obscur. Here he's just selling out for the fangirls. There's even autotune in that song.
  6. I agree with Jigsaw and Zess. Being that I mainly listen to VK music, and the fact that my Japanese isn't good enough to understand everything they're saying on a feasible level, I can confidently say that I don't really care too much about the lyrics at all. Good music from any foreign language breaks the language barrier for foreign listeners and allows us to understand the music more on an emotional level; which I think is pretty wonderful. Besides, It's not very easy for me to find lyrics to the bands I listened to even if I tried.
  7. Yasupon

    I'm about to make an apple pie!
  8. Yasupon

    There are MANY bad vocalists in VK, pretty much countless. That may be because I listen to the more obscure VK bands that not many people listen to. As far as the majorish ones go.. some bands like -Oz- and Nega are an acquired taste to like their clean vocals. Also, Sakae from POPCORE although I like him as well. D=out, Alice Nine. and Ghost too I guess.
  9. Yasupon

    Hello, Nice to meet you! If you want to catch up on VK, the downloads section is the best place. Do you have a last.fm?
  10. @Zess I seriously couldn't have said that better! Also, This made me laugh quite a bit.
  11. Yasupon

    I own a snuggie... best purchase I have ever made in my entire life...
  12. Yasupon

  13. Yasupon

    Nice to meet you!
  14. Yasupon

    It seems like everyone is asking questions but few people are getting their questons answered. I use vkdb.jp to learn about band history, that and Trombe of course. vkdp is a wonderful site that is pretty much dead on and extremely helpful in that regard. They are always updated too. As for BIS vocalist it says "個人/状況不明" which means Personal / Status Unknown.
  15. Yasupon

    A lot of artists keep their age a secret and only list the month and day that they were born in. I don't think you'll find anything on it sadly. Related to that topic.. I really wanted to know the age of Hazuki from Lynch... I think it's safe to assume he's in his mid 30's or early 40's.
  16. Yasupon

    cool you like The Pumpkin Head Anyone who says they dislike Pumpkin Head clearly has something against Clowns... or Pumpkins. They're a decent very band imo.
  17. Yasupon

    One thing I can't stand is when people get so pissed off when you say anything negative about a band they like. They should learn to accept other people's opinions. I know about "if you don't like this band, then don't talk about them" argument, but sometimes a little criticism is more than necessary. Discussing flaws in a band can even start more constructive conversation too! It all depends. Sometimes it's best to also ignore people if you don't like what they're saying. If they're not personally attacking you or other fans, then why get so "butthurt" about it? If they're attacking you personally then by all means rip their heads off. I also get annoyed by the "fangirls" who would rather talk about how cute a group is rather than the music itself, and fans like this are mainly on Youtube. (Thankfully I rarely see that shit on last.fm or here.) At the same time though they're just being themselves. I really don't understand why anyone would put the looks before the music, but I've never asked any of these type of fans why they comment the way they do, but it does make reading Youtube comments a less enjoyable experience. Just look at the top comments when you type "the Riotts PV" to see what I mean. Additionally, many of these types of fans only know about 10 different visual kei bands, and because of this + sheer ignorance; I all the time view comments such as "x sounds just like Dir En Grey / Gazette / An Cafe / Ayabie" etc. Now I can understand the idea that many VK bands sound the same because they do, but most of the time when I see these comments it's criticizing a band that doesn't even sound anything like the band they're referring to. So basically when I'm viewing a VK video on Youtube, the comments are either like this: "x looks so kawaii!", "this band is copying x band!" of "this band / song is awesome!." Unfortunately, the latter is what I see the least.
  18. For me I'd have to go with the latter. I don't really care how talented the band is although it's a plus of course, but if the music sounds good to me that's good enough. Not every talented musician makes good music. Of course there are a lot of shitty acts out there who play from the heart but just sound bad anyway due to immense lack of talent. It really just depends on the group. This is pretty much exactly how I feel. I agree with this post completely! An example, but you can feel free to disagree is the band Born. Although the members are more talented now than they were in the past. I enjoy them more as RENNY AMY than I do as Born, in general. I just really like the way they sounded because they weren't afraid to sound however they felt like. They just had, in my opinion, a more raw and impervious sound with lots of shouting, screaming, squeeling, whimpering, and many other strange noises all over the place that Ryouga wouldn't dare do anymore. The band sounded just plain crazy! Although Born is a great band, and I do enjoy them quite a lot, I just think that they currently sound more cliche, and less daring. Do they have less emotion or "soul" now than they used to? I don't know, nor do I have the right to say rather they do or don't.
  19. Yasupon

    She's very average looking imo (voice is great though) Also, 8/10
  20. Yasupon

    They need to make a sequel to Pokemon Colosseum and XD that supports 5th Generation U_U
  21. Yasupon

  22. Yasupon

    "Don't listen to Soulja Boy alone, we suggest you kill yourself." Also, lol @ Chianti's.
  23. Yasupon

    Japan wins at everything.
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