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Posts posted by Yasupon

  1. I learned (more like affirmed) that google is bullshit.

    fyi, if you accidentally create a gmail account (i did), don't try to delete the account, or you might end up deleting your youtube account and everything else google "incorporates" as well.

    On a more positive note, while looking up the sun bear, I came across the insanely cute "red panda":


    yeah, google somehow felt that merging all of their servies would make things better, but instead it makes everything more inconvienent and gives us far less privacy

  2. Something that bothers me a lot is the lack of traffic about ACTA. How are we going to beat this thing if nobody knows about it? SOPA was also done in secret yet it was leaked to the public much faster, why not ACTA? If you type on Youtube "SOPA" the first video there has over 3 million views and the one from 3 weeks ago has over a million. If you type ACTA on youtube the result from about 3 weeks ago has nearly half the amount of views that the SOPA video has, but the thing is, the SOPA videos has millions upon millions of views from multiple videos. This just bothers me. We only have 24 days until this thing gets the finalization and takes effect.

  3. BORN do not seem to be a band that I would enjoy listening to at all, but that is pretty cool album art. It's like VAMP's trademark lip, thing, mixed with Starfox 64.

    This. That album art is boss.

    I might try their album though if more people review it positively.

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