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Posts posted by Yasupon

  1. I really can't see any win situation here. Ron Paul has no chance in winning but even if he did win he'd go straight after the Fed which I realize would be an extremely risky thing to do because you'd be attempting to audit those who completely control the U.S dollar. He actually has good intentions in mind and is the only presidential candidate period who doesn't flip flop, but some of his ideas actually are potentially disastrous.

    I'm pretty sure Obama will win again this year, and after seeing just how insane the "big three" are, I'd rather keep him in office.

  2. They got a new one around the corner: CISPA. It will allow them and companies all around the world (that way the US can monitor everyone on the world) to invade the user's privacy, look into their data and send it to the US government. The law will also include a part where they can not be touched because they touched your privacy. I already signed, but essentialy it's worse than SOPA and PIPA combined.


    On a smaller note we've also got HR347 (This one is more similar to NDAA than SOPA or ACTA), and it's another broad bill which basically allows them to arrest any person who speaks out against any of those maniacs at any area they operate in. The best part is that it passed 388 to 3.

    Soon they'll surely widen the range of this bill which will allow then to arrest anyone who speaks against against the government on ANY grounds.

  3. MEJIBRAY is pretty good. My favorite song from them right now is Karma -Gareki no Mantichoras- which I bought on iTunes. (I also own their Killing Me single.)

    All their releases are great though.

    Also their lineup I always felt was interesting and I was one of those folks waiting to hear them before they released anything. Their original lineup was:

    Vo: Tsuzuku: (ex. VanessA)

    Gt: MiA: (ex. Toon Factory)

    Gt: Ippu (ex. VanessA)

    Ba: Koichi (ex. VanessA)

    Dr: Meto

    So you've got 3 members who had once been in VanessA, then you've got... Toon Factory's lead?

    I figured having MiA in their lineup would likely give MEJIBRAY a lighter and more melodic sound than VanessA and for the most part I was right. And I expected to hear some cool guitar solos as well since MiA's occasional solos were pretty good back in Toon Factory, and you can hear a nice long one in Karma. I was also curious what Meto was going to sound like seeing as he's the only member who hasn't been in a VK band prior to MEJIBRAY. Anyways, I have no complaints really except that I hope they will release some even heavier stuff.

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