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Posts posted by Yasupon

  1. Not weird.. although I would say a goal like that would seem rather unusual and requires a lot of optimism. (but optimism is usually a very good thing.)

    Am I weird for generally preferring indie VK bands to major VK bands?

  2. Long-ass rant inbound but fuck it, I need to get it off my chest.

    Right now, ResLife (shortened to RL to save my sanity) is running into problems with the student-run para-professional medical service on campus, which we will call FR (first response). Last year, when students or RA's would call University Police (UP) for a medical emergency, FR would be the people that would show up. They would give us the information we needed to file a report such as the name of the patient, what they were getting transported for and where they were going. This year, this all changed because FR suddenly is afraid that their members are going to lose their EMT certification cards if they break HIPA laws.

    (Quick aside, HIPA laws are laws that say medical professionals cannot give out information to anyone concerning the status of a patient so that they cannot be denied medical insurance for anything they may suffer from later on in the future. This law does not apply to RL.)

    This is a problem because now RL and FR cannot communicate efficiently in any given situation. If something goes wrong and an RA calls them, we can tell them everything they need to know to do their job, but they can't reciprocate. This normally isn't a problem though because if we're around we'll pick up what we need to know from listening in on their conversations. What's more of a problem is when they're called for an emergency but it wasn't through us. Then, this person is mysteriously transported to a place that no one knows and we don't know who it is or why. Why? BECAUSE WE CAN'T ASK. It's completely fucking nuts. It's as if you showed up to your house and you saw someone being transported out but no one can tell you who, where they're going and what for and they basically tell you to get lost.

    As if it wasn't bad enough, the EMT's are getting a huge ego boost when they walk in on the scene. They try to do things outside of their jurisdiction - like dismiss RA's from the scene even when we are out of the way. They want to be so secretive about what they're doing and it's causing problems when some of them (not all of them) are acting like complete assholes and demanding that we leave because we're breaking confidentiality and that "we're in the way". We're batting for the same team here. Your job is to come into the hall, take care of the patient and get him to the hospital. If I'm not in your way and I'm actively or passively assisting you at various parts of the call, you don't need to dismiss me. Do your fucking job and get to the hospital. Just because I'm not wearing an EMT jacket doesn't mean you can treat me like shit.



  3. . Most of the time I either encounter elitists or crazy fan girls that believe that *insert random j-rocker here* can do no wrong, and if I mention that they are human I am automatically the evilest of evils that must be destroyed. I am hoping to have a better experience here.

    I can't stand people like that...

    Anyway welcome, hope you have a nice time here and I think you'll like it. Most of us are very nice and I don't think you'll find that elitism here.

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