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Status Updates posted by Valicious

  1. RarezHut has extended their deadline to submit offers for items on our unboxing stream!  You can now submit offers until Sunday at 12am CST.


  2. RarezHut is now selling cheki!  $1 shipping for up to 9 chekis. http://www.rarezhut.net/product-type/cheki


  3. RarezHut now sells GLOOMY BEARS!  Bring home a fluffy gory boi today.  https://magento.rarezhut.net/ToysPlush/Gloomy-Bear.html


  4. RarezHut unboxing straight out of Japan


  5. RarezHut's next stream auction is June 18-19 and 25-26 of June.  https://www.facebook.com/events/883480215131729/

    For the next few days, we are selling stream credit (that can also be used on the store) a 5% off.  Now is a great time to get a discount on all the upcoming rarez!

  6. RarezHut’s auction continues today at 12PM CST!, and we will be doing an EXTRA GIVEAWAY toward the beginning!  To help get you hyped, look at the D’s 10th Anniversary Treasure Box Set that will be sold. 


  7. Selling our poster signed by everyone on UNDERCODE in 2012. It is in wonderful condition, and has a tiny pinhole in each corner.  Currently for sale and taking offers.


    1. tetsu_sama69


      holy shit the want is real

    2. gekiai


      ^^ same omg. this is awesome.

    3. Valicious


      Make an offer :)

  8. So many magazines added to the store!  Great indie zines like Swich and Devil’s Night, as well as CURE V-SPLASH and Wedge!  
    If you want to add any of these and have them shipped with your auction items, simply select Hold For Bulk Shipping at checkout. (Before Monday night for those in EU)


  9. Starting at $1. Limited edition of the Gazette - TOXIC, and comes in a larger book-like package. RSVP to the auction https://www.facebook.com/events/635005653331513


    1. YuyoDrift


      How dare you honeydick us like that lol

  10. SUV vs Wheelchair, Round One!

    *cut to hospital*
    I think I lost.

    1. reminiscing2004


      omg, rest well val :shock:


      hope you're alright

  11. Thank you so much to everyone who came to the first weekend of our auction!  We love you guys <3

    All invoices for the first weekend of RarezHut's August auction have been sent out! If you didn't receive yours, check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, email [email protected]

  12. Thank you to everyone who hung out with us in the New Years Eve unboxing stream, and congrats to all the giveaway winners.  If you saw something you liked, send us an email at [email protected] with the items names and your offer amount.  We’ll accept offers through Sunday night.


  13. The art on Kagrra DVDs in this picture is so beautiful and serene. These will be sold at our auction! https://www.facebook.com/events/1790112844579334/



  14. The breath-taking "Angel's tale" and "Evergreen" singles from HYDE, along with his PV movie DVD "Roentgen Stories" coming up on our auctions!



  15. The giant package bound for RarezHut’s Europe shipping center ships out June 25th, but it’s not too late to place orders to be included!  Don’t miss this opportunity to save 30-60%+ on shipping to Europe and pay NO CUSTOMS.  Just place a store order by the deadline, choose “hold for bulk shipping”, and you’ll automatically be included. 


  16. The LAST DAY of our auction starts in just 1.5 hours (12PM CST/1PM EST)!  What are you most excited for?  There will be fun, tons of PRIZES, and some sweet SURPRISE items!  https://auctions.rarezhut.net/auction/


  17. The last of the RarezHut EU orders are ready to send out from our shipping center! Thank you for being patient while our EU shipping hub is in transition


  18. The unboxing stream may be over, but we’re still going with a PV and concert stream.  Playing V.A. From Eternal Records, their last known sponsored event.  As well as the first appearance of GazettE.  Come hang out with us until we ring in the new year with VK



  19. This is a flyer from the second resurrection of Psycho le Cemu, showing a good amount of their schedule from August through October of 2016. We've always loved their costumes, and they truly have a special place in our hearts.


  20. Today is Day 3 of our #visualkei auction! We're US-based, but we have an EU shipping center. Fans saved 40-50% on shipping prices because of our RarezHub program https://www.facebook.com/events/230050574055315


    1. Valicious


      Yup, these usernames sure do exist on the interwebz :P


  21. Today'sauction theme is 2005-present, and we ARE LIVE. So many goodies!


  22. two of ROUAGE's early 1994 live-distributed VHS tapes, super rare! Come get these at our auction starting IN ONE WEEK https://www.facebook.com/rarezhut/events


  23. two versions of the incredibly rare first VHS from Silver~Rose, both being sold on auction http://rarezhut.net/livestream-auctions

    Don't forget to email your max bids to [email protected] so you don't miss the items you want most!


  24. Vintage HAKUEI flyer that advertises his first solo single “ZEUS” from 1996. An interesting look at the beginning of his impressive solo career.


  25. Want to know where all of RarezHut's profits go? Peep these sweet stickers and tape! #yolo#pandabusiness


    1. Komorebi


      This is so cute

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