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Posts posted by madygrain

  1. And after this releases will come another everlasting three-phases tour, until 2013 right? and then other two or three one-coin singles and repeat.

    Sounds fun. Specially for the ones that would like to hear something new by boogieman.

  2. I used to, but not anymore. I try a new band if I get interested in them for some reason, for example when people are excited about them or they look interesting or I like the preview. Except these cases, I try the releases of the bands I like.

    This goes for me as well.

    A couple years ago the scene got some pretty good newcomers, but they banished. I really want to find a new VK band (as I don't care for regular J-rock bands as much) that I really like. But everthing sounds and looks the same for me lately. I've been only interested just in Hakuei/Chisato stuff, Nightmare, Boogieman, anything Sharaku or Ao and amber gris for the most part.

  3. Sony financial situation is really bad now. I don't think they will take many risks. And pissning the retailers off by making the machine not capable of running used games is quite risky. I don't think they will make a machine that is a huge advancement in therms of power. At least it won't be a jump as huge as the original PS3 was.

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