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Posts posted by madygrain

  1. So, maybe we could set up a "order coordination post" so people willing to share announce what CD's are they going to buy so other interested fans can react and coordinate with them so we can know wich songs are going to be uploaded to the forum and increase the chance of getting b-sides/DVDs and such?

    It would be ideal if it somehow intereact with the request subforum.

    Also, maybe we could have a post so people willing to share lists their collection so uploads/reuploads can be requested? It may be too much.

    Do you think this suggestions deserve their own post or shall we discuss it here?

  2. I am also disapointed with the preview. They said this single would have an "unusual sound" but they keep doing more of the same... and god that autotune! What the hell does that add to the song? Why do they stick to the low budget noisy electronic sound instead of having a more natural band sounding style? I find their current direction really insipid and makes each song sound sound identical even if they have really different personalities.

    The song itself does not even sound good. Since they announced this release I said to myself this was my last chance for the to prove they can do different things. I am so sad they seem to not live up to my expectations judging from the preview, since I think this band had huge potential with that lineup.

    Silly me, I still have some faith in the b sides.

  3. Pretty awesome album. I was surprised by how Közi's vocals were handled, they sound much better that in his old solo cd's. I liked the overall sound of the album, it has more "whole band" elements to it mixed with Közi's very own electro catchyness. I also thought that the instruments had really interesting parts, almost avant garde-ish. I liked all the songs, but specially Sanityman, With Fu, and Kosmostill. Besque was really nice too.

    I give it a 8/10, looking forward to more stuff by this guys.

  4. Nega sold ~250 copies on the first week 「Fable in The Cold Bed」

    Lin sold 2,790 copies on the first week 「As if Forever Exists.」

    Where is the more profit?

    Oricon doesnt lie

    Of course it don't but it's pretty interesting how you pick the information displayed there. You talk about as if forever exists selling good, but it is the only one that got good results.

    On the other side, you compare it with fable in the cold bed wich is the worst selling cd displayed on the page. Also, the info seems quite incomplete. Nega is a band with somthing like 10 years of career, but oricon sonly shows lists two of their singles. Information looks vage for making a proper sales comparison in my opinion.

    Kisaki said he was disapointed with lin's sales while he stated that Megaromania and Nega were the bands leading the way in under code. I think I will trust him better than a oricon desertic database concerning Nega :P

  5. Under code has not unlimited budget. Obvously Kisaki puts more economical effort in the bands that get more profit, such as Nega. But he also invests more in his own band (that does not generate as much profit, as he mentioned in several interviews) than in newcommers that could be a flagship band for the label and are worth a chance.

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