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    shizukasou got a reaction from blackdoll in ONE PIECE [warning: possible spoilers]   
    The episode was really cool this time around; I appreciated how the animators seemed to have put a little more effort in some scenes than usual haha. And yep, totally digging Doflamingo as a villain. Easily the best since Lucci back in Enies Lobby imo.
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    shizukasou reacted to digi in [Band Battle] NIGHTMARE vs. the GazettE   
    all hail godzette
    In all seriousness though, I'd have to go with them. I cannot recall a time where I thought the Gazette sounded samey or what have you, meaning, in my humble opinion, every Gazette album has always brought something new to the table, every album sounding different from the last. There's been a lot of change in musical direction, but I've mostly been impressed with all they have decided to pursue. 
    Can't say the same for Nightmare, I have found them to be awfully boring. I liked a lot of their earlier releases, pre-2006 maybe, but after that I lost interest. 
    However, doesn't mean I can completely dismiss Nightmare. They are truly not that bad, but just not what I like.
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    shizukasou got a reaction from beni in Thought I should say hi   
    Hi and welcome! I'm one of those who tend to lurk most of the time as well but the atmosphere is great, so comment whenever you feel like doing so! Enjoy your stay ;3 
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    shizukasou reacted to beni in Thought I should say hi   
    I hope you aren't too bombarded with too much work and things, it's lovely to have you. I hope to see you around then too, it's a pleasure to have spoken with you. ( Haha, I MUST check it out already then damn it, I'm always so late with everything! Will do now that someone has highly recommended it ( : )
    Haha, I thought you might be joking about suc a long message! I'll try to prevent myself, it seems I have a lot of crap to go on about most of the time. Anyway, I really look forward to contacting you again then!
    xD I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way at times. I'm more than happy everyone will support each other here so I'm no longer worrying. Trust me, you join in so much, it's really encouraging! Haha, we'll both be doing that then you know. Oh yeah, both those bands were the first ones I checked out and will always be ones I'll keep listening to. Seems to be them for most listeners huh? I can see why! xD I HATE those bands with the weirdest names, with silly symbols not even on the keyboard! I love them really actually, just, not when having to type them up. xD I understand your pain. Let's enjoy Hizumi's god like voice together (it's seriously too bad his voice became damaged, he'll always have one of the best voices in VK) and I look forward to seeing more from you on Last.fm, thank YOU for approaching me. I love discovering new bands so I'm delighted you don't mind helping me out with any that might catch my eye, ta very much. Hope I don't embarrass myself. ><
    Ooh oooh, another fan of Pura? : 3 I won't let you get away either haha. Thanks very much for the welcome, I hope I'll be able to reply to you again some time, all the best.
    Oh yeah! Seriously, there's so many fans, this is great! Thank you, don't mind if I do, I hope I'll be able to join in a bit (just blaming myself, not any of you guys). Ah I see, that's why you're a different colour! Just a bit slow, sorry, I understand now, I hope I won't be a bother. Thanks very much for telling me! I hope we can see each other again, take care now.
    I remember reading some 'shout box's' and a few arguments in them. >< I feel like if I speak my opinion, it's either completely wrong or completely dumb. xD So yeah, that's why I logged off before even trying.. I'll take note of what you've just told me and feel now I feel like I can do it so thank you for your comment. Of course I understand that, I just have no one in real life to talk about the music scene, so I wanted to actually join in for a change somewhere on the internet and I felt I could be happiest here. I've probably repeated myself so much on just this thread so I better stop now ehe.
    Get going then and catch him before it's too late!! I son't usually ship people in real life but.. xD Haha, it's very funny and sweet.
    Thanks very much hiroki. (I hope replying now is alright too, sorry) I see on last.fm we're compatability is only in the middle huh? Well, this is a first for me, it's interesting. I love Yuya, he's one of the few male solo artists I enjoy listening to (I don't even know many actually xD). <3 I see you like vistlip as well? Their vocalist is a fine singer, seriously. : 3 You too! I hope we can chat again, goodbye for now.
  5. Like
    shizukasou reacted to Nisimaldar in Thought I should say hi   
    No need to shy away from LastFM. In my opinion, the LastFM community is the nicest one out there. I've met one of my best friends on there because we were complaining about some fangirlies at a Balzac concert in the shout box of the event... ;P
    And honestly, chances are you are not going to get along with everyone, whether it's on LastFM or here on MH because just having the same taste in music doesn't mean you have anything else in common, really - However, discrepancies are usually a good thing because they encourage conversation; so don't hesitate to state your opinion, you'll probably find that a lot of people agree with you.
    D'espairsRay is my all time favourite band, I still plan on finding Hizumi and marrying the fuck out of him.... just you wait Hizumi, just you wait.... (If he's already married by then, no problem, I'm open to polyamory)....
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    shizukasou reacted to keyinjpop in [SOLVED] Reincarnated Really Hot People...?   
    Someday, I too will be reincarnated and hot.
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