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  1. Anyone else here import records/LPs from Japan? Do you notice you  need more weight on or needle arm to get them to play without skipping? I don't see much online about this and it's driving me nuts. 

    1. Seimeisen


      I didn't hear any skipping on my copy of MUCC's 脈拍

      boris' präparat has a skip that might be intentional (as I've heard it on my copy and a rip that leaked online), but I dunno

      I think that's everything Japanese in my collection atm haha


      Oh, and my BORIS/ENDON split LP didn't have any skips either

      Maybe something's wrong with your turntable/tonearm/stylus/something?

    2. doombox


      It's strange because it doesn't do it to any of my domestic or Korean releases... only the Japanese ones. The stylus is brand new, but I could increase the weight on the tone arm? I just wanted to try to get more info on it before I did. 

    3. nattliga_toner


      Are we talking contemporary releases or older stuff? apanese 70:s & 80:s stuff are usually fine (unless it's scratched or storage warped), but newer stuff may have problems if it's mastered the same as for a CD (for example: extreme pannings and too loud bass can cause skips). 


      But yeah, just fiddle around a bit with the tonearm weight and see if it gets better. I usually have mine set at +2.5 ~3g or thereabout. You'll notice it if you've set it too high if the sound starts gets distorted. Also, if you have the opportunity to adjust the height of your tonearm, you might want to look into that as well - thicker pressings (180g and above, ie. mostly 00:s and later releases) may require some adjustment.


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