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Everything posted by Dolcify

  1. Dolcify

  2. Don't see the hate for a band that's trying to make a break by doing something they love. The hate is pathetic.
  3. Dolcify

    Hello! c:
  4. Dolcify

    Kinda excited for this release. Been a fan for a long time and there's not many songs they've done that I dislike. will be interesting!
  5. Dolcify

    7/10 Interesting but it left me a little bit confused.
  6. 176BIZ RENTRER EN SOI D'espairsRay Kagerou Meth.
  7. Dolcify

    Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. Great read.
  8. Dolcify

    llll... How creative. D: Gonna be difficult finding stuff about them now...
  9. Dolcify

    Thanks for this! One of my favs!
  10. Dolcify

    I wish they would stop looking at me like that.
  11. Dolcify

    I'm rather curious for this myself, mainly because of Sujk's vocals and to see how the other members will play together this time.
  12. Dolcify

    The only talent I have is being able to juggle. D:
  13. Dolcify

    Hmm, it's interesting but I'm not too sure what to think of it myself. It's a step forward to realism in gaming but how far can they actually take it?
  14. Dolcify

    Someone who gave so much to the world didn't deserve to pass away so early. It's a shame.
  15. Dolcify

    Hymn for the Shameless - Alesana What is the answer to all life's questions?
  16. Hmm, curious about this. Followed PIASS for a while hoping for more releases. Will have to see what comes out of this!
  17. Dolcify

    Was going to say this myself. It's also my favourite guitar solo from 2011! Impressive.
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