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Everything posted by DeIdeal

  1. DeIdeal

    Meh, give me Ka·Za·Ri, kthxbye?
  2. DeIdeal

    ^ Really? I think it's rather cool. EDIT: Hmm, sounds a lot better with headphones, weird. I'm starting to like even the preview.
  3. DeIdeal

    I do technically have an excellent hearing, but I still can't tell the difference. I've never seen any reason for posting rips of certain quality, as long as they aren't something like 64 kbps .m4as. Oh, and I do rip my own CDs into .flacs, but that's just because I want them backed up in case of an emergency, and they'll be as close to original as possible like that. Still, it's more of a sentimental thing, don't ask. I'll try to guess, but I don't think I'll get any right.
  4. DeIdeal

    Cool, Dir en grey AND Merry albums, this is going to be great. But there's no info on whether the whole shows are included? I'd really like that 黒??羊 , it has one hell of a tracklist.
  5. DeIdeal

  6. DeIdeal

    I wouldn't go that far, the original Hydra is so weird, original and awesome compared to the pretty straight-forward -666-, but is that song great live or what? When they played it in Finland in '07, it felt like the whole audience was one, shaking their hands upwards with the "SIX, SIX SIX!" shouts. I mean, it's pure mindblowingness even as a live recording, such as the one(s) where Kyo wears that oni mask. But yeah, excited about the upcoming tour, this single and its tracklist.
  7. DeIdeal

    I try my best to avoid replying with images outside actual imageboards, but I couldn't resist
  8. DeIdeal

    Without a doubt, unless you're planning a trip to the nuclear reactor or something.
  9. ...Not sure if serious? But you had the answer already, here, maybe you'll notice it now? The current rate is $1 = 82.43円. Geez, didn't/don't you people have math or Economy or something in school?
  10. ^ Actually, no. It's over 72 million dollars. I'm sure it's a mistake. Or troll. It has to be.
  11. That is scary as hell. I mean... shit, I'm almost hoping the bidder is trolling. Wtf?
  12. DeIdeal

    There's your reason : / (I like DEG, mind you).
  13. DeIdeal

    Well, actually I wasn't saying anything about whether it's "nice" or not, I was more commenting to my previous post and the fact that before (GPKISM and later years of BLOOD) he has said that Vk is stupid, all fans are groupies and he doesn't want to have anything to do with it.
  14. DeIdeal

    Rofl, so non-VK amirite? I'm tempted to make a fake Twitter account, upload BLOOD albums and PVs online, and tweet him about it. This is just too funny.
  15. DeIdeal

    Didn't he use to say how much he hates visual kei and doesn't want to be associated with the movement etc.? I mean, that clip has got to be THE most typical dark gothic VK PV ever.
  16. WORST NEWS OF 2011!! But seriously, temporarily != indefinite = disbandment, right?
  17. DeIdeal

    I seriously doubt Onan Spelmermaid would consider himself a he, either.
  18. DeIdeal

    I thought the new Turisas album was amazing, too, even though a bit different from what they've done before. They did that "film-score" style really well, End of an Empire is SO VERY EPIC! The title-track, March of Varangian Guard and the Bosphorus Freezes Over were pretty damn nice, too. I also downloaded that Moonsorrow album, and listened the band for the first time in five or so years. Muinaiset was absolutely mind-blowing, and I usually can't stand music sung in Finnish (my only problem with Bosphorus Freezes Over). I've really been getting back into western metal during the last six months. Hmm.
  19. DeIdeal

    QFT Never heard of the band, but I'll try them out because of this song title. EDIT: Wait what, this is why I shouldn't just use the "view new posts"-link. I thought this was an upload. Oh well, at least it got me interested.
  20. DeIdeal

    Lol, I randomly googled her after seeing this, and was shocked when I found out Jersey Shore is supposed to be a reality show. I've never seen a single episode, but from what I knew, I thought it was some kind of a weird wannabe-sitcom.
  21. DeIdeal

    Guess what? Yeah, another week.
  22. DeIdeal

    (x^2 + y^2 -0,^3 = x^2 * y^3 : )
  23. DeIdeal

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