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Everything posted by dracolicious13

  1. dracolicious13

    I am Severus Snape..... actually no I am not. I am Draco tho...not Draco Malfoy..but just Draco...dragon...yeah... Usually what people call me when they don't want to type out all of Dracolicious13. XD Been into Jrock for 6 years? 7 years? dunno..around that. Like if I were to divide jrock fan-ness into a timeline...you start off as a noob, move on to fangirl, from there move on to indie fangirl, and then to elitist, after that just goes really old. I'm at my elitist stage... I kid. My favorite bands are? Deluhi ( My current love <3), Dir en grey, Girugamesh, Alice nine ( tho they have been disappointing me lately), heidi, miyavi ( who is not a band LOL), Despairsray, One ok rock ( tho they are j-emo if anything), SID, Malice Mizer, X Japan, hide....aaaaaaand so on and so forth..well actually not really ..but I'm sure i'm forgetting someone. I'm also a huge Dragon Age nut..D:..UGH BIOWARE WHERE IS MY DRAGON AGE 2?? I WANT IT NOW ( tho it comes out in march XD) I dunno what else to say about myself. But I am curious if anyone actually knows me on here...or seen me around....O_O'...cause I've been..AROUND XD...lol jk jk. OH..god...forgot. I am one of the admins of http://www.deluhists.com Its a deluhi fansite where we update with news, interviews, and anything really. We're fairly new, but eventually will become super awesome <3 Well , Ciao.
  2. dracolicious13

    I feel like someone misread his tweet..He tweeted about his KOUHAI getting married...I doubt Leda has enough of a social life apart from band practice to even have a girlfriend.
  3. dracolicious13

    Well they are going on hiatus..so no new album for now. I love all the hate on here..<3
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