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Everything posted by JustSumNerd

  1. JustSumNerd

    Samples sound freakin amazing! Gonna preorder next pay check!
  2. JustSumNerd

    ^ the mediocre part is spot on...but I kinda wanna see where they go with it because I used to listen to them a bit. :S
  3. JustSumNerd

    Haven't listened to them in awhile. Perhaps I'll give them another try this sounds ok. Nothing amazing but then again its just a small sample.
  4. JustSumNerd

  5. JustSumNerd

    sounds pretty legit.
  6. JustSumNerd

    I like la couple of songs of theres. Bleed is the one I listen to the most and thats only when I'm working out. lol
  7. JustSumNerd

    ^That. I don't mind that they don't sound the same as before I just really can't stand sophia's vocals. That however is my opinion. I still love the older stuff so i'll stick to that but who know e later down the line I'll find something I like new of theirs.
  8. JustSumNerd

    I will review it later when I have time because I have to go to work (boo) But I haven't seen a review thread for it unless im blind so here it is have at it!
  9. JustSumNerd

    IMO I think sophia is the worst thing thats happened to the band... I'm so glad I'M not the only one that thinks this! Their previous works were great but ever since she's been in the band, it's been bad, bad, bad. O god no...I let my friends listen to the album and they yelled at me for making them listen to it. They used to like Bloodstain child before that lol.
  10. What this person said.
  11. JustSumNerd

    Different sense - fucking brilliant. 10/10 Tsumi to kisei - Its different for them I'd say and its not my favorite song by them but I am enjoying it regardless of what genre you may call it. 8/10 Red soil (live) - Not a bad live these get better as they bring out more singles. 7/10
  12. JustSumNerd

    IMO I think sophia is the worst thing thats happened to the band...The first track on the album was pretty good but it kinda goes downhill from there on. As for genre's they can roam into as many of them as they want as long as they make them work but whatever this album was it's garbage. Will come back later to fully review it though.
  13. JustSumNerd

    Deathgaze's new single silence/the end was freaking sweet Lynch's new album I believe in me is sick. Diru single and album coming out soon Blood reunited new live dvd from 9goats blackout...jeez im really diggin 2011
  14. JustSumNerd

    My name comes from the band Deathgaze and their song Blood... (also I couldn't remember my original log in and couldnt think of anything else xD)
  15. :/ well guess I'll have to obtain it another way then...bribing a japanese person xD seriously though cant wait
  16. JustSumNerd

    Wow im really out of the loop here x.x Nice to see they are back.
  17. JustSumNerd

    I didnt even know this band was still around :/ o well that sucks.
  18. JustSumNerd

  19. JustSumNerd

    About 4,320 results (0.23 seconds) Google About 9,690 results (0.32 seconds) Images
  20. JustSumNerd

    Zomg I loved the gameboy game, my friends and I were talking about it the other day and decided we are going to hunt down some copies and replay through it xD. The actual pokemon tcg game here is quite huge...(but probably for the children dont really see any young adults or adults playing it much.) Yugioh seems to be one of the main games around my area (I used to play and then sold everything before shit got reprinted and made bank ) But I personally prefer magic the gathering cuz I'm getting old and need something to do lol.
  21. That cover...what's seen cant be unseen I've loved this band for the longest time and when I had gotten outta touch with jrock this was one of the first bands I came back to and started looking up again. Cant wait
  22. JustSumNerd

    Debating whether to go outside or stay indoors.
  23. JustSumNerd

    :[ My condolences, sorry things aren't faring well.
  24. JustSumNerd

    Sony bean. Is much better http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=sony+bean&cp=8&um=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=578&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=6928144290226482176&sa=X&ei=Zm3iTf-fPOPd0QHQp5yVBw&ved=0CFgQ8wIwAQ Seriously though Zune is like dead...out of my 40578495743897 friends here only 2 have it and like it. SO my vote goes to ipod touch.
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