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Everything posted by xxlyonexx

  1. xxlyonexx

    Going to Amsterdam =D!!!
  2. xxlyonexx

    Yep... And the day it happens, it will flood my basement.
  3. xxlyonexx

    Hmmm... I think he has many inspirations... Somehow though, I would love for him to do more solo-work... That last single release ''Seventh Sense'' was so good. Not that I don't like D, but their recent work lacks a feeling of... passion? Something that Asagi now carries alone... his voice still has passion, the rest... I don't feel it anymore. So either this new concept slaps me in the face with awesome epicness. Or I cry in the corner whilst having my entire face covered in chocolate stains.
  4. xxlyonexx

    How these are still around buzzing I will never understand...
  5. xxlyonexx

    Hahaha I guess so. They also remind me of an old look Malice Mizer did before, where the members had different wings behind them. Believe it was Kami that had the butterfly wings? Lovelovelove. On a side note, when I look at Asagi I get strong Sword art online in Alfheim vibes xD.
  6. xxlyonexx

    OHMYGOOOOOD, that look is everything *dies* midlife crisis my ass (hope this means a return to the namonaki concept/story)
  7. xxlyonexx

    He has. back in their indies period they had some special lives where they swapped members on different instruments. Can't remember if it was good. All I know is, I want a hide-zou solo project to, he has a nice voice :O!!!!
  8. xxlyonexx


    Very disappointed with the new album... I hoped more spins of it would make me like it abit more but... no
  9. 0_0!!!! MY BODY IS READY. i live live live for those covers <333333 *hyped to the max*
  10. xxlyonexx

    Really enjoying the flow of the album so far. The only gripes i have with it is that Pandora is SHORT, the song is KAPOW and AWESOME, but sooooo short, long live the repeat function! After 5 consecutive listens i can say that as an album, this one is really strong, the singles fit in here very well, and work together with the new songs perfectly. They've really grown ever since they started out. Much love for them <3!
  11. xxlyonexx

    Yeah well if Lycaon was supposed to be ''slaying'' then why does Yuuki's hair look like some half-assed ''omg i can almost be free of this v-kei shit''? Its like they're almost disbanding and he doesn't even put any effort into it, that or his hairdresser sneezed while cutting him and thats why its to short xD.
  12. xxlyonexx

    No words T_T....
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