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Everything posted by chiyo_x

  1. chiyo_x

  2. chiyo_x

    ??????????????ロンルナ??ん。 ?????????????????ん??ンド??好???ん????。 ??も??今????Top 5??????ん:愛狂????????Vivid??ヴェルサイユ??Deluhi??Vistlip????。????????? ?????八歳????大学??一年生????。 ????大好?????ん????リボーン??????????。 ????????サイト??事文??少??????分??り??????。??????????…^^;; 日本語??下手??????ら??????????????????習????????????ら。
  3. chiyo_x

    Oooh. Coolio.
  4. chiyo_x

    Not sure if this has been posted. A Just "A"
  5. chiyo_x

    I enjoyed the song, just not the art.
  6. chiyo_x

    0epwjWF3Wwo Uhhm, yeah, Maximum the Hormone. XD
  7. chiyo_x

    Defiantly a pleasure. ;D I don't feel it's very guilty though haha.
  8. chiyo_x

    Most of them are really bad, I think that I have a better chance of understanding their Japanese than their English. XD
  9. chiyo_x

    I have a feeling that when they do release a full album it will probably be all old songs. I hope not, I hate it when bands pull that crap. It's like cheating in a way. XD
  10. chiyo_x

    I like a lot of their songs especially the ones that are on "Yggdalive" "G.A.L.D." was my favorite from that. But I think my favorite song is "s[k]ape:goat" it was the first song and PV I heard from them so, that's probably why. I also hope that their new album is not like "Departure" I preferred "The Farthest" personally. XD
  11. chiyo_x

    Have you seen their other one that they did? So bad. XDDDD LtmGEATspFc
  12. chiyo_x

    I was on the old site, but I never got a chance to post anything haha. I just found the new one five minutes ago. I am pleased. Anyways, Hi there, you can call me whatever you'd like but I usually respond to Chiyo or Chi. Hmm, what else... Oh yeah I obviously like Jrock and Visual Kei. XD I'm fond of any of the sub-genres (visual styles) too. I pretty much like everything, and I'm open to anything new. Of course there are times when I don't like certain things, like anyone else. I'd love to make conversation with you guys, sounds like a lot of fun. ???????????日本語を勉強??????????。も??四年間を勉強????????。 日本語を話??????好?????????日本語?????れ????日本語??話????下????。 ??り????????。 (I speak intermediate Japanese.)
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