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Posts posted by dannemannen

  1. And I really doubt Dir en grey have the ability to write something heavy. Haven't done it so far, and will never do it.

    I certainly hope that they will never do anything like the link above atleast. Shittiest shit ever, a group of chubby hillbillies trying to be cool with growls/fast drums. Ew. Anyway, wheres the sample? :P

  2. Just as there are millions of americans who are bigger than japanese, there are millions of japanese men too who are bigger than whities.

    Source please

    Do you seriously think all whities have big penises? Oh man you gotta be kidding, for a fast example search for small penises on google image search without censorship. Also ive seeen many many micropenises in various shower and gym rooms during my days back in europe ^^ The japanese average size is often said to be around 10.30cm or something, while the american is 12.50cm. Not that big difference actually. Then there are studies showing results like this:

    http://www.andromedical.com/img/occiden ... _sizes.gif

    The reason why people think japanese have so small comes from their porn. There are no requirements for the men who participate in it, and often its the chubby middle aged friend of the director who stands for the action. And if you think every chubby middle aged american dude has a monster penis think again :lol:

    http://smallpenisphotos.net/wp-content/ ... hoto-9.jpg


  3. If you look at recent japanese commercial porn you will realize that they have started to choose "bigger" guys ;P Just as there are millions of americans who are bigger than japanese, there are millions of japanese men too who are bigger than whities.

    And tenten, what can i say? A cool guy with money and a hot japanese gf, i envy him ^^

  4. Nothing to be scared of. Tokyo is just as safe as the city you are in now in america (or wherever you are).

    The only place i wouldnt recommend you to go to is the area just around the reactors themselves. Everywhere else is cool.

    Dont let lying western "the world is going under"-news trick you. Welcome to japan!

    Karaoke tonight and beer :domo:

  5. Just listened to the title song and i cant say that im too impressed... the chorus is way too generic and simply not that catchy. Shit.. come on nogod!!! WIll listen to the whole single later but for the title song i would give 6/10.

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