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Posts posted by dannemannen

  1. What do you guys think of golden bomber's new single? :dansu:

    1. Boku quest - really catchy tune 9/10, and for the pv i would give 10/10. Best pv ever :mrgreen:

    2. Rafiiora - Not that memorable, but i really like the verse and the synth 6/10

    3. Kyou ha tonight - another really catchy tune with a cool chorus 7/10

    8/10 They never disappoint :domo:


  2. last album was amazing, songs like doukoku and mabuta no yuutsu are of highest class.

    Sadie has really become a quality band. Ganbare!

  3. I still think that the playstation game spyro has something to do with the title, the band just wants to trick us to think that its some deep saying in latin!

    Kyo, you dont trick me! :twisted:


  4. I still think that people who commit suicide are weak retards. There are always ways out, of every problem in this whole world. ALWAYS. Even if you become homeless and hated by everyone you can keep living and look forward to tomorrow.,

    The only suicide i could understand is if someone for example got both deaf and blind, and lost both legs in an accident. Then i understand that the person doesnt want to live any longer. But because of work/money? Love? Net bullying? Please..

  5. Like always, I hate to use this word but it cant be described in any other way - g.e.n.e.r.i.c - there is absolutely nothing new in these songs that we havent heard before. Title song's chorus is also way too lame and boring. A let down, just like the other last 4 singles. Gazerock is dead. 5/10

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