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Posts posted by dannemannen

  1. So after all - best songs on the album are...?

    I would say vanitas, Different Sense and Ruten no Tou. All of them deserve the rating 10/10. What about you guys?

    And the absolute worst one? I would say Decayed crow, so boring uninteresting growl song.

  2. Dir en Grey has gathered fans for the last 10 years, and for the last 5-6 years all their releases have gotten within the 1-5 top at the oricon top list, among with jpop artists such as AKb48 and Arashi. I'm sure there wouldnt be any probs at all for them to fill tokyo dome. Gazette, SID etc does it easily, why wouldnt they be able to?

  3. I'm so disappointed, even dont feel for writing a review...

    I only enjoyed kijou no kuuron out of the new songs, which is quite catchy, but the rest? So boring...

    This is definately their worst album to date, can't even be compared to gokusaishiki or even kakera.

    Best songs: Kamikaze, kijou no kuuron

    Rest: meh..

    5/10 :cry:

  4. Ugly or not, small penis or not, he is having sex with a hot japanese chick, is singing in a major cool rock band with a bright future, and is probably getting quite a nice amount of money for it. Doesn't sound like too bad/boring life if you ask me ^^ Danchou ftw!

  5. 10302-hoshinoarika-h52e.jpg

    1. Hoshi no Arika - a really nice catchy tune, but not as good as Let me Crazy. But I really like it, and the pv is cool too 8/10.

    2. MAD or DIE - Aiji on vocals, what a surprise! Really nice beat and melody 8/10.

    Satisfied with this single, how about you guys? :wink:

  6. 狂骨の鳴り was nice for the first 20 seconds, in a shitty-attempt-at-Berio-or-Xenakis-kinda way. Kyo's vocal effects are hilariously cheesy/tacky as ever. They also ruin THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB, which could've been quite a nice (albeit basic in both the basic bitch and simple sense) post-rock number without. 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨 is kinda good! Until the incredibly awful section at 2:30. The first part would make for a good dubstep remix. 獣慾 + 滴る朦朧 are boring fillers. Actually kinda like LOTUS. His vocals aren't as bad as usual (thought are still ~i'm not vk anymore but I can't sing anything clean not nasally~) and the melody is almost gazette-ish catchy, which isn't that great a compliment. Another couple of fillers until DECAYED CROW, which set a whole new level of awful for the album. VANITAS, much like the beelzebub song, would make for a nice post-rock number. Ending the album on AMON (Symphonic Ver. Bonus Track) - after 2 particularily uninspired fillers -流転の塔 + 羅刹国 (Bonus Track) - was an interesting touch, thought it would've been far improved with his vocals. Kudos for being able to afford a real harp, thought if you could do that why would you then bring in the incredibly bad synth strings - which after just hearing a real instrument that's normally synth'd in, highlights the complete lack of musicality and critical ear the album recieved in editing/processing.

    4/10. There's a couple of nice tracks, but that's about it.

    Now when you say it, you are correct. Most of the new songs feel like typical unintresting fillers.

    Also I wonder why they threw away ther melodic choruses. Sure they try to be artsy, non-commercial and all that but damn, DEG, you are a band that has made some really cool melodic music through the years *turns on dead tree*. You have the talent. Leave the unintresting blargh blargh to western bands.

    But will listen more to the album today, hope it grows ^^

  7. After all I'm not that impressed... most of the new songs end up being quite boring, some of them even feel totally pointless... like the belzebub thingy...

    But I'll listen alot more before i come back with a detailed review later on ^^

  8. This album certainly isn't as melodic as their previous stuff, most songs dont even have any choruses (none of the new songs?). But I'm (kind of) impressed sofar ^^

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